Chapter 75

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"You go on ahead without me." Beth panted. Sweat poured down her face. She slumped under the feeling of fatigue.

"I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone." Jesse stopped walking, turning to look at Beth. It was very unlike Beth to be so exhausted, they'd only been out a couple of hours.

Beth noticed the confused look of concern in her friend's eyes. "I'm fine, I just need to catch my breath." She said.

"This is like the millionth time you've needed to catch your breath. What is up with you lately?" Jesse questioned.

Beth sighed. Jesse was a good exploration companion but was a bit fiery at times. "Honestly, I don't know." She replied.

Jesse crossed her arms and huffed, tapping her foot impatiently.

Beth stood up. "All right, let's go on." She tried smiling to signal that she was okay, though that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Jesse just rolled her eyes in response and began marching forward.

Beth trudged behind. The vegetation swirled around her. She blinked repeatedly, in an attempt to cure her blurred vision.

Jesse stopped and looked back. "Seriously Beth?" She said, annoyed at the slow pace Beth was moving.

Nausea rose in Beth's throat. Instinctively, she ducked quickly behind a tree and barfed her guts out. Throwing up had taken the last of her energy. She felt absolutely awful.

"Oh, my stars! Goodness Beth, are you okay? I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you to go on. I'm such an awful person." Jesse yelled as she ran back.

Beth could barely comprehend what her friend was saying. Dizziness spun her brain on a merry-go-round of fatigue.

Jesse looped an arm around her and they began a slow trek back to the colony.

Beth was glad for the extra support. "Thanks, Jesse." She muttered.

"Oh please don't thank me. It's all my fault. I'm so very sorry Beth." Jesse lamented.

Beth tried to tell Jesse that it wasn't her fault. She hadn't been feeling well since before they started out. But Jesse kept bashing herself and apologizing.

When they arrived at the edge of the clearing where the colony was. Beth was beyond exhausted. All she wanted to do was find a bed and lay down.

"I should take you straight to the doctor!" Jesse said.

Thankfully, despite her tiredness. Beth was feeling a lot better. And she was well enough to protest. "No Jesse. I'm okay. Just take me home. Please." She stated firmly.

"Are you sure Beth?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm positive. Take me home. I'll be fine."

Jesse reluctantly escorted her home.

When Beth entered the door, Liam was in the kitchen. He smiled wide in surprise.

"I wasn't expecting you home this early." He said. "I'm happy you're here, we can... Beth are you okay?" He suddenly noticed her condition. He ran and embraced her. Then kissed her forehead and studied her face. "Did something happen?" He asked.

"I wasn't feeling well. Jesse helped me home." She stated simply. Far too tired for long explanations.

Love and concern seemed to flow out of him. He gently picked her up and walked into the bedroom, cradling her in his arms.

Beth buried her head in his chest, breathing him in. Just being near him made her feel better.

After tucking her in, Liam said. "I'll make you some soup."

Alone in the bedroom, Beth puzzled as to why she was feeling so yucky. It was very unlike her to be sick. Her thoughts ranged from food poisoning to silent venomous creatures. She shuddered at the thought, but she made a mental note to check for bites or stings.

A little while later, Liam returned with a steaming bowl of soup.

Beth said she could feed herself, but Liam insisted on spoon-feeding her. Beth was amused at how much Liam was enjoying taking care of her.

The soup was absolutely delicious. Beth imagined the spices and herbs of the broth were healing her from the inside out.

The bowl was soon empty. She must have barfed up the entire contents of her stomach earlier.

"I'll go get some more," Liam said.

Beth was astonished she'd eaten the entire bowl full and surprised that she was actually hungry for more. Thankfully her nausea was gone.

"Thanks, Liam," Beth said when he returned. "I'm feeling a lot better." She was trying to hint that she could feed herself.

Liam could tell. "I'm glad." He laughed. "But I'm still feeding you."

Beth gave in. "Okay." She laughed, her eyes crinkling.

The bowl was empty in no time. "Do want some more?" Liam asked hopefully.

"No thank you," Beth said. "I'm full now."

"Well, then I'll let you rest. I've also got to get back to work. They are probably wondering where I am. They'll understand though." He smiled.

Beth wished he could stay. "I'll see you later, then." She said.

He leaned down and kissed her lips. No fear of contagions, here. She almost wanted to scold him for being so careless. "I'll miss you," Liam said.

"I'll miss you too." Beth choked. Why was she so emotional all of a sudden? The tears that had sprung to her eyes were fit for seeing him off to war, not wishing him well for a day of work.

"Are you sure you don't want me to call for a doctor?" Liam asked on his way out.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm feeling a lot better." Beth assured him.

Liam nodded an okay and went on his way.

Beth snuggled deeper into the blankets and was soon fast asleep.


"Hey, are you still sleeping?" Liam whispered, softly stroking her brow.

Beth awoke. "Not anymore." She wondered why Liam was back so soon.

"Sorry to wake you, but you've been out for quite a while. I made dinner."

"What?" Beth opened her eyes. The window told her it was indeed later than she'd thought.

"I was wondering if you wanted some dinner. How are you feeling?" Liam asked.

"I feel great," Beth said. "I need to freshen up a bit then I'll meet you in the kitchen."

"Okay." Liam smiled. "Meet you there."

As she sat down, Beth admired the meal. Liam had become quite the chef in the few months since they'd been married. Cooking had become one of his favorite hobbies and Kelbar had been teaching him a lot.

"This looks delicious!" Beth exclaimed.

Liam smiled proudly. "Thank you. I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will," Beth grinned and began filling her plate. She was ravenous, despite all the soup she'd eaten earlier.

Liam had made a roast, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and homemade bread. The potatoes and corn had been grown in the rich red soil of Viscordia, so they'd been slightly effected but tasted great. Different than on earth, but still the same seeds.

Beth was drowsy from the heavy meal. She tried to help clean up after, but Liam made her go to bed. She felt kind of bad but happily complied.

Despite her efforts to stay awake and wait for Liam to come to bed. She fell deeply asleep.

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