Chapter 43

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Beth's mind whirled with thoughts. Tears played at the edges of her eyes. Then she lunged at Liam and wrapped him in a smothering hug. The notes fluttered from her hands. She didn't need to say yes. They both knew what her answer was.

Liam stood up and hugged her back even tighter. "I love you, Beth."

Beth was speechless. Liam had uttered those words before, but at that moment they were filled with more meaning and emotion than ever before. Their embrace loosened and Beth stood back and looked into Liam's eyes. They were filled with so much love it was almost unbearable to look at.

Beth couldn't hold it in. She let out a whispered "I love you too" and fell back into his arms, crying.

Liam lifted her head and was relieved to see a smile on her face. Her tears were tears of joy.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," Liam said.

His words only made Beth cry harder. Liam hugged her until the tears stopped.

"Liam?" Beth managed to choke out.

"Beth?" Liam replied, looking into her gorgeous violet tear-stained eyes.

"Yes." She said with a clearer voice. "I'll marry you."

Liam brought his lips to hers in a tender kiss that lasted a long time. When they broke away, Liam brushed his thumb against Beth's face and gently stroked her hair. She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Liam said.

Beth opened her eyes. "Why, what about?" she asked.

"For making you run all over the place." He replied.

"You don't need to apologize for that." She said. "There's no distance I wouldn't run to get to you."

They kissed again, harder this time. Then Liam took her hand and led her off the sun deck. Beth was curious as to where he was taking her. They walked out of the settlement and into the forest. A little way in Beth could see something. Liam led her nearer, and she saw that it was a makeshift table set for two. He invited her to take a seat and then went over to some bushes and began rummaging around. He came back with a large satchel. Then he sat at the table and began unloading.

"Is that bread!?" Beth exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, I made it myself. The plants are growing really well here. Many times faster than they did in earth's soil." Liam replied.

The other items were soon on the table. A fresh garden salad, strawberries, some heart-lime juice, and some fried potatoes. It was a strange assortment of foods, but they enjoyed every bite of it.

They chatted, laughed, and talked excitedly about the future until the sky grew dim.

"This has been the best day of my life," Beth said.

"Mine too," Liam said. "I look forward to many more with you."

After cleaning up, they walked back together. It was dark, but there were still a few people milling about. It was a special night. Both of Nyx's moons shone in the sky. Beth and Liam shared one last kiss under the moonlight and went their separate ways to their sleeping quarters.

"I'll see you in the morning," Liam said.

"Goodnight Liam," Beth said.

Beth stared at the ceiling. She was too excited to sleep. She tried, but her brain wouldn't let her. She'd never thought she would get married. Her parents hadn't had the best of relationships and that was how she grew up viewing marriage. A loveless bond of obedience and fighting.

She eventually fell asleep and dreamt of her parents and the few times she'd seen real love between them. It was scarce and rare, but they'd had something.

In the morning Liam and Beth met for breakfast. They grabbed some fruit and went for a walk.

"I was terrified you'd say no," Liam said. "When I woke up this morning I thought it had all been a dream."

Beth slipped her hand into his and felt him relax a little. "I can pinch you if you'd like?" She said with a grin.

They had made their way across to the sun deck. Then sat down to eat in the warmth of the early morning light. Beth took a bite of her heart-lime, she'd always remember the first time she had tasted one. Then she thought of Kelbar. Worry settled in her stomach. Yesterday's events had drawn him from her mind. Now her concern was back, full throttle.

"You haven't seen Kelbar recently? Have you?" Beth asked.

"No, I haven't," Liam replied. His expression grew serious. He could sense her worry.

"He went into the woods several days ago. I haven't seen him since." Beth said.

"I hope he's okay," Liam said. His mind flashed to an image of the slayer.

"I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong," Beth said. "I'm worried about him."

"Maybe he just needed a break from all of us humans," Liam suggested.

"That could be true, but he wouldn't just leave without telling me," Beth said.

"You're sure he didn't leave some sort of note?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure." Beth replied.

"This could be serious then. What if that monster we killed wasn't the only one?" Liam said, voicing his fears.

Beth shuddered. She looked out across the settlement. "I think that was the only one. If there were more we would have seen them by now."

"True, but what happened to Kelbar?" questioned Liam. "Should we get some search parties going for him?"

Beth had a sudden idea. She felt dumb for not having thought of it before. "I'll find him." She said.

"What do you mean? You can't go searching alone." Liam said.

"I won't go searching. I'll go right to him." Beth said.

Liam still looked confused.

"I'll teleport." She clarified.

"Of course! I completely forgot," Liam said. "You have to bring me with you though. There could be danger."

"Okay," Beth said.

"When do you want to leave?" Liam asked.

"Right now," Beth said and grabbed his arm.

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