Chapter 17

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   The ship was swarming with people. All of the passengers who had been in stasis were awake now.

   Beth sat in the mess hall. She looked around as she ate her meal there was a stark contrast between the passengers who had been in stasis and the ones who had not. You could tell who'd been asleep by their grief-stricken faces and gloomy countenance.

   "They look horrible." Beth thought. "Had I looked like that?'

   Some people, the ones with more sensitive emotions, had their grief rekindled by being around the ones who'd just awakened. Even with this new group of dismal people, Beth could still see some smiles and hear a few laughs. Not all joy was gone. They still had hope for the future. She knew that she would never truly get over the fact of her home planet's destruction, but she would try her hardest to do her part to ensure humanity's survival.

   "Hey, what are you thinkin' about?" Liam drew Beth out of her contemplations.

   "What?" she said, turning to him.

   "What's on your mind?" he asked again.

   "I was just thinking about how crowded it is in here now." She half-lied. "With everyone awake now, that is."

   "Yeah," Liam said, looking around. "It sure is. The ship must be at maximum capacity now. It doesn't take that much work to take care of a sleeping person."

   "I wonder when they'll have to apply for jobs? Probably soon." Beth said.

   "Yeah." Liam agreed. "I heard that they've been given a few days to grieve and recuperate, but we can't wait until we get to the planet anymore. Every one of reasonable age is required to apply ASAP."

   "It's probably for the best, so everyone knows what they're doing when we get to Nyx." Said Beth.

   "I'm just glad we have a captain with a good head on his shoulders. I'm certain of our survival with him in command." Liam stated.

   "Yeah." Beth agreed. "He is a good leader, but it's still scary that we don't have the option to return to earth if things go bad."

   "We'll be okay," Liam reassured her. "The scientists are working overtime on scenarios and plans for our best chance of prospering."
    they finished eating, then went on their ways to continue working.

   Officer Carter was in the captain's office. The captain had just finished informing him of the details of his conversation with the prisoners.

   "At least they're not crazy." Stated officer Carter.

   "That's exactly what I thought." Said the captain.

   "What are we going to do with them?" Asked Carter.

   "Let's keep them locked up for now. I've made arrangements for their detainment to be made more comfortable." Replied the captain. "I've also been thinking that we should schedule another conversation with them, preferably with the girl present. maybe give them a chance to explain themselves to her and offer a much-needed apology."

   "That sounds like a good idea. Hopefully, they'll be willing to talk." Said officer carter.

   "Yes, there is always the problem of unwillingness, but I have a feeling that they will cooperate." Said Captain west.

   Beth sat at her desk and looked at the work she had left for the day. She didn't have much left. After a few minutes, her message bell rang. It was from Liam. She opened it.

   "Workload is very light today. Wanna go to the gym later and workout together?"

   Beth replied. "Same. My work's light too. Sure, I'll be happy to. See you after work."

   "Cool, looking forward to it." He replied.

   Their chat ended and Beth continued working.

   After work, Beth met Liam in the hall. They walked through the ship to the mess hall together. She often spent meal times with Liam. They got their food and found a place to sit.

   "Work was surprisingly light today. I wonder why?" Liam questioned.

   "I don't know. Maybe it had something to do with preparing for so many people joining the workforce." Beth replied.

   "Yeah, you're probably right." Said Liam. "Work is probably gonna lighten up considerably with so many people working." He added.

   "I hope not. I like work." Beth said.

   "Well, I'm glad. It means I get to spend more time with you." He said, reaching out and touching her hand.

   Beth blushed. "Did he mean that? There are plenty of girls on this ship far prettier and more interesting than me." She thought.

   After a moment of awkward silence, Liam changed the subject. "I can't wait to eat real food again." He stated.

   Beth, glad for the change of topic exclaimed: "Me too!" on the planet they would be able to plant crops and maybe even discover native edible plants.

   "Only a little less than a year to go," Liam stated.

  "Wish it was sooner," Beth said dreamily while looking down at her serving of mush.

   They finished their lunch and then made their way to the ship's gym. Beth liked to run, so she chose the treadmill. She stepped on and began at a slow jog. She looked at Liam, who was starting at the weights.

   Turning to Beth, Liam said, "I was gonna lift some weights, but I think I'll join you in some running."

   He got on to the treadmill next to hers and began. Beth ran until she lost her breath. Liam tried to keep up, but he didn't run as often as her, so he had to stop and catch his breath a little while before she stopped.

   "How do you enjoy this? It's so exhausting!" Liam breathlessly exclaimed.

   "It makes me feel good. It gets my blood pumping." Beth replied, equally breathless. She wiped at a drip of sweat trying to get into her eye.

   "I see what you mean," Liam said, stretching a little as he regained his breath. "I do feel quite good."

   They chatted a while then Beth said, "Well, it's been a good workout. I'm gonna go shower. See ya later?'

   "Yeah, see ya at dinner."

   When Beth reached her room, she stepped inside. She gasped at what she saw inside. There was a man's body lying on her floor, face-down, with a pool of blood surrounding him.

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