15 - A bruise

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"Smile! I said smile, hyung!" The dark brown-haired boy laid down on the floor to get a better angle for the picture, striking a sexy pose while pointing the camera at the other boy. The second boy had black, straight hair, pale skin, and was wearing a black cap, camouflage jacket, and black jeans.

"Believe me, if I were happy, I would smile more often," lazily replied the poser, giving a brief smile without showing his teeth. It still seemed forced and insincere.

"Aren't you happy with me, hyung?" the photographer asked, feigning an upset expression. The poser stopped smiling and put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I'm not a happy fluffball because I have a feeling that something bad is coming, and you're not the cause of it."

"So let's fix it. We can call Hoseok and Jimin and go out for a drink," the brown-haired guy suggested, nodding towards the photos. "They turned out great, hyung, take a look."

The boy smiled with pride, proud of his work, but when he looked up, he realized his friend had disappeared.

"What happened?" he whispered with a serious expression.


"Shit, I still don't know how he is," Park Jimin nervously hit the bench in the hospital waiting room.

The three friends were on edge, waiting for something unimaginable to happen. Their oldest friend had suddenly vanished, and shortly after, one of them received a call instructing them to come to the hospital because something bad had happened.

Jimin was incredibly anxious, not knowing what to expect regarding his missing best friend.

"Let's hope for the best. Maybe he just sprained his leg or injured himself and couldn't move, so he might be unconscious," Hoseok quickly said, trying to lighten the mood. However, Jimin and the brown-haired guy didn't even crack a smile.

"You're not helping," the boy with the camera rudely replied, assuming what his friend might be thinking about disappearing like that. He couldn't ignore the fact that he felt strangely responsible for it.

They didn't have to wait long. Ten minutes later, a young nurse approached Hoseok.

"Are you the patient's friend?"

"We all are," the photographer stood up immediately and walked over to the nurse. "What happened?"

Jimin was already biting his nails, his breathing becoming increasingly nervous.

"Please follow me, boys, and you'll find out about your friend's condition," the nurse said kindly and relaxed, but her words didn't provide much comfort to the three boys.

The nurse led them through several corridors until they reached an area where a few people were anxiously waiting for their siblings and relatives to come out of the rooms. The atmosphere was far from cheerful.

They stopped as they saw someone sitting on the floor, hands held behind their head, their face hidden.

The brown-haired guy didn't say a word but already knew that this would be the end of their happiness that day.

"Oh my god, hyung, no..." he said, almost running towards him until he had to crawl to reach his friend.

"Noona, please explain what happened!" Hoseok asked in shock, looking at their friend, who appeared as frozen as an iceberg. The nurse shook her head, biting her lip while watching the brown-haired guy desperately trying to wake his friend up.

"It was an accident..." the nurse's voice trembled. She was visibly nervous, finding it difficult to talk about it. Jimin stood by their side, while Hoseok attempted to gather some information about what had happened.

"Hyung, please, I beg you, look at me! You stupid friend, I don't understand what happened!" the boy shouted through his tears, unable to stop hitting his unconscious friend.

"T-The boy arrived right after we called him," the nurse's voice quivered. "He rushed to the hospital, but it was too late. We couldn't save her. She was already dead."

At that moment, the unconscious boy lifted his head and saw his friend looking at him.

The brown-haired guy stared at him, tears streaming down his face, until his friend made eye contact.

With a sudden burst of energy, the black-haired guy stood up and grabbed his friend by the neck, slamming him against the wall.

The attack was swift and powerful, and Hoseok and Jimin heard a slight crack as their friend's body hit the wall.

"Holy cow!" Jimin reacted quickly, but the black-haired guy was faster. He punched his friend in the face, his anger evident as he unleashed a barrage of curses.

The nurse stood frozen in the corridor, her eyes wide open. Hoseok rushed to intervene, but the enraged guy pushed Jungkook against the wall once more before swiftly disappearing from the corridor.

"Oh my god, Jungkook," Jimin whispered, rushing to help his friend stand. Their friend had slid down the wall, holding his cheek with his hands.

"I'm so sorry about what happened," the nurse began to apologize, approaching Jeon Jungkook to examine his injuries. "If... if I had known that his aggressive behavior would escalate like that, I wouldn't have delivered the news while he was present."

"Noona, what happened? We don't understand!" Hoseok asked again, scanning the area where he had last seen his best friend, Yoongi.

"As I said, he arrived as quickly as he could, but it would have been better if we hadn't informed him about the news..."

The nurse's eyes welled up with tears.

"Chaeyoung... Shin Chaeyoung passed away an hour ago. We suspect she committed suicide, and unfortunately, we couldn't save her."


I wake up from a nightmare.

Or I should say, memories.

The recollection almost chokes me, and I quickly jump off my bed, heading straight to the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face and gaze at myself in the mirror.

The same bruise on my cheek remains, a constant reminder of what transpired that day four years ago.

"Hyung, hyung!" I shout, forcing the fake tone. It makes me cringe. How did I manage to call him hyung?

That day marked the last conversation I had with Hoseok. He chose to collaborate with Min Yoongi and left me with Park Jimin, who's as loyal as a puppy and never dares to leave me.

At least, Jimin can stand up for me. I suppose he isn't just a weak dude after all.

Shin Chaeyoung. Her name still haunts me to this day. I can feel her presence around me. And when I first laid eyes on Kang Yuja, it felt as though Chaeyoung had returned to life.

I suppose her spirit desires my apology for everything, but nah, I won't give it. Not in this lifetime.

What I did to her and Min Yoongi, I only aided their downfall.

Alright, just kidding. It turned Yoongi into a psychotic, aggressive, and bipolar mess. Honestly, that was what I aimed for.

"Why does Min Yoongi have to claim every girl I try to pursue?" I pout my lips and start to whistle as I return to my room.

His first girl is gone.

If Yoongi ever dares to kiss Yuja, her fate will be nothing short of eternal sleep in a coffin. Forever.

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