58 - No time to die

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I shut the doors and came back to normal civilization with urgent haste. I tried to massage my upper arm to get away from the little discomfort.

In the end, I wasn't frantic of Yoongi. I didn't blame him, because all the trouble was caused just because I never completely took Jungkook out of my heart.

But I've tried. Just didn't have guts to tell Yoongi.

Somehow I ended up in the corridor with the doors to our own private bedrooms. I skipped Taehyung's/mine, Yoongi's, unvisited Namjoon's new room and finally appeared at the very rarely visited place - Seokjin's place.

I knew he doesn't live alone, but with Hoseok, despite that, I started to knock at his door a few times feeling my hand trembling a little bit.

I looked down at my black converse shoes worrying about what should I tell him. He will obviously push me away..

The doors at first opened a bit hesitantly but when a black-haired tall man recognized that it is me, he completely pushed the doors wide open. He caught my worried and lost expression immediately.

"What did he do?"

There was a needed pause where I could blend my words together. He gently took my hand and pulled me into his room. He was alone at the moment and.. my nose caught a soft lavender smell sweetly flowing in the room. Apparently, he had a small candlelight on his side table where the lavender aroma came from.

Seokjin showed me to sit on his one side bed and by himself, grabbed a chair from Hoseok's table and slumped in front of me.

"Don't worry. He—"

"I am not like the rest, I won't run away from you if you will tell the truth, Yujassi," he named me cutely, "I accept you for who you are, I won't teach or scold you. Just please, let me announce one rule - don't fabricate."

I sighed and nodded being finally forced to speak up.

"I want to forget Jungkook completely, yet it's so hard for me, it's like he had put on some kind of drug into me which makes my brain not function properly when I'm near him."

"He almost has raped you. What kind of feelings have you had at that moment?" Jin calmly pointed out this fresh memory. It gave me shivers.

"I despised him. It was nothing like love. He acted like a sick freak. You don't even imagine-"

"That is it Yuja. It proves that you're sane. If you would have been accepting his cruel motives on that day and be at his mercy - we wouldn't have you here now." Seokjin stared more deeply into my eyes. "You did much more good things than you think. You went against Jeon Jungkook. You don't want him, you don't crave for his body anymore. You picture him as a psycho. You stole the evidence which could put him in prison. You didn't hesitate." He quit speaking as he saw that his candlelight has shut off. Jin grabbed a lighter from his table and lighted it again.

"What I want to prove to you is that you have only the last pieces left of your old love for him. Last, Yuja. It won't be long. You and Yoongi wouldn't have gone this far if you would have been thinking only about that guy."

His phrases hit my heart. Was I really smart enough to reject Jeon Jungkook? Did I really do it by myself like Jin told?

"Yoongi.." I inhaled the perfect lavender smell feeling my little voice shivering. "He doesn't believe me at all.. He even had an idea that I thought of Jungkook when we.. well.. did a thing.."

Jin snorted seeming a bit pissed after I mentioned Yoongi's name. "I swear the God, if he doesn't stop behaving like that with girls, I will not let any of them take a step towards him. Especially you." He furrowed his perfectly shaped eyebrows. "Don't mind him, Yuja."

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