52 - The moonlight and rain

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Jimin has left. Jungkook wasn't here since long ago. I was left standing by the corpse and it wasn't quite comforting. When I looked at the murdered girl I had remembered the first time when Yoongi has shown me Seokjin's taken pictures of Jungkook and the first dead girl. Still remember her black long hair and how Jungkook was smirking creepily to himself.

That guy has some serious psychotic issues.

"I am sorry for what he has done to you." Last words came from my mouth to her. We will bring the justice. He wants it or not. It has to stop.

I left the club real fast trying not to bring attention and stopped walking only when I reached the market next to the street. I quickly bought cigarettes with my last coins and sat on a nearest stone edging. There weren't any benches around so I just chose to sit on the ground.

When I lightened my only friend who's with me, I took my phone out of the pocket and looked if there weren't any new messages.

When I didn't see any, I went to all the contacts and scrolled down till I saw Yoongi's name.

Call him.. or not? Where will I go now? Maybe he will help me. I should really trust him.

Suddenly I decided to ask myself if I really need him right now, and actually the only answer spinning all around my messy mind was YES.

"Fuck that shit.." I mumbled and pressed on his number.

I was waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

"He's making fun of me." I told quietly to myself furrowing my eyebrows and squeezing phone even stronger. That was not the time for joking?

"Who's making fun?"

I choked on a cigarette and coughed. I inhaled and felt how my heart started beating thousand of times faster.

There was a pause because nobody of us dared to speak. All I could do was to imagine him sitting carelessly on a chair or bed while trying to just.. think..

"It sounds like you aren't ready for a talk, right?" He finally asked with kinda teasing voice.

"It's cold here.." I only managed to whisper the most off topic words and immediately got embarrassed while hoping to get a nasty backlash from Yoongi about how he doesn't own the temperature and can't change it.

Yoongi went quiet.

"Where are you?" After a pause he asked tonelessly.

Why does Yoongi always sound like people are least of his concern? I could tell him that I am being kidnapped and his answer would be 'you're not the only one, every 40 seconds a child goes missing.'
One of his well known random facts.

But Where are you was something new.

"In outside."

"I can bet a million, you're doing that nasty thing again." He sniggered.

"I'm smoking." I snapped annoyed and rolled my eyes while watching my cigarette between my fingers.

"That is the nasty thing I meant, silly." He reassured. After a second I unheard some click sound from his place.

"And what are you doing?" I shyly questioned.

Yoongi sighed and answered right away with his husky slow voice. "I am joining you. We will kill our lungs together now."

The real short laugh came from my mouth and somehow it made my body warmer after his words. He's in outside too. Like me.

For a minute nobody spoke. I slowly stomped on my finished cigarette and decided to take out the photos hidden behind my back.

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