25 - Wrongly informed

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"Of course not! Who do you think I am? A hoe?" My mood drops after Seokjin's words.

What is he offering me? A date? With him? Is he dense?

I shake my head and maintain silence. He better realize that I am not going to fall for his lies. What does he know about Jungkook? I bet nothing.

Seokjin takes one step towards me, simply trying to frighten me. "I'm not going to leave you alone, Yuja. Go with me now, or I will be your new nightmare."

I roll my eyes and turn away from his face. "Seems like you don't belong in the White army, Seokjin. Your speaking manners remind me of something different from what Yoongi would say... Nevermind..." I leave Jin standing alone, leading me with his eyes, and quickly head to the kitchen. If I am not wrong, Taehyung is waiting for me to come. And yes, Seokjin is weird. He really seems doubtful.

I almost bump into Hoseok but manage to notice him before. One of my plans was to ignore him because he has listened to what Jimin said. No one, no one can know that I am from the Black army. Now I can only count on Taehyung and... Yoongi, I guess, since they know who I am.

I pass by Hoseok and don't stop to say hi.

"Yuja, hi! Are you rushing somewhere?" I hear a voice behind me. I murmur something silently but strive to keep myself nice to everyone.

I sigh, flash a smile, and peek at Hoseok. "No."

"Where are you heading? To the kitchen? I'll go with you since I am hungry," Hoseok smiles back and follows me to the kitchen.

The first thing I notice is Taehyung finishing cleaning the dishes, later sitting on the chair. He grabs an apple and quickly tastes some of it. He tilts his head and waves to me with Hoseok. "Ah, sis—" he quickly shuts up, realizing that we can't let Hoseok know the truth. "Yujassi, come come. Grab your coffee and eat something."

I hear and settle next to him. Taehyung gives me a cup of black coffee. I am so worried because of Hoseok being there that I finish my coffee in a few seconds, despite it being a bit too hot.

The brown-haired Hoseok sits in front of me and Tae. "Bro, did you discover some information about the current situation with Jungkook and others?"

Tae is feeling uneasy. I can feel it very well. He shrugs and also finishes his apple. "No, hyung. Feels like everything is okay now. Black army is quietly living their lives, and we are living ours."

Hoseok shakes his head, surprising me at the same time. "Something is fishy, I can promise. I did see Kim Namjoon a few times talking with Yoongi hyung. I really trust Min Yoongi, he is my best friend, but lately, he has turned to be very silent and restless about something."

"Maybe Kim Namjoon isn't that bad like you think after all..." I am the first to cut off Hoseok and make Taehyung open his mouth full of surprise. He quickly panics and tries to show me that I need to shut up. And right now. But I am not frightened at all. "Yoongi is the boss here; he can talk with whomever he wants. What's the big deal?"

I am too harsh to Hoseok. I feel sorry for saying that. But the fewer people know about the situation, the fewer problems we will make.

Hoseok glances at Taehyung but doesn't say anything back to me. How nice is he? I really feel guilty for my words.

"The atmosphere has changed, don't you all feel?" Taehyung tries to make it funny. As I see it, Hoseok lifts the corner of his lip.

"The atmosphere will change even more if someone of you won't stop spreading false rumors about me."

A deep voice owner comes into the kitchen and flashes a suspicious look at me. He isn't alone; Seokjin is standing just on the right side of Yoongi.

Are these words dedicated to me? I guess so, Yoongi is only staring at me.

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