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In life, we have so many complaints, so many lamentations, so many rants and so many things that we hold back. Some people only had a single chance to let it be heard but instead of telling it to someone, they tend to keep it to themselves because they are afraid that people might judge them and make fun of them. So either be a subject of mockery they keep silent and keep all those unsaid words to them.

It's how they go on with their lives, its how I go on with my life. Even if we have given chances to speak up, we always hold back all those words, feelings, emotions and what-so-ever because we are afraid for some reasons. Call us cowards, weaklings or what but this is who we are, this is who I am and whatever you will say, we will still hold back all of these. Maybe we just lack enough confidence to let this all out but still, we want to keep it to ourselves because we are the only one who can understand ourselves.

In this book, I'll share all the things I held back especially words. I'll write all the feelings I've felt, all the emotions I keep hidden, and all the words I keep unsaid because I want you to feel how difficult it is to keep them unshowed and unsaid. Every chapter here are product of my feelings, so whoever you are I want you to know that this is everything I didn't say and every words I keep unsaid.


The following poems are product of the author's mind, any similar verses or stanzas to other author's work were probably coincidence or is used intentionally by the author herself. No part of this book may be reproduce or copied without the permission of the author. Remember plagiarism is a crime.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the photos I have used in this book. The credits goes to the rightful owner.

P.S. If you like my poems please don't hesitate to vote and leave a comment or corrections on how to improve my grammar, I will totally appreciate it. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

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