44. Silence

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My silence speaks a thousand words
But you never heard them
My silence speaks for me
But you always ignored them

Silence been there to comfort me
When I always feel out of place
Silence enveloped me
When my words came to waste

My silence means a lot
If you try to stop and hear them for once
My silence never always means yes
As they always have said

I'm not a person who can easily express herself
Words aren't enough to tell how much you're dense
I'm not a girl who talks a lot
But I'm not that obscure for you to stop

I just wanted the words to let out
I wanted my feelings to shout
But I'm afraid they'll be ignored
I'm scared that they'll be overlooked

My silence spoke a hidden message
But you just disregard it
My silence is just a getaway
Because I never wanted the pain to stay

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