2. The Paradise of Love and Pain

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Welcome visitors
My name is Love
I'm the reason why people are born
I am pure as a dove

Welcome to my paradise
The surroundings are fine and nice
You'll feel many emotions here
Mixture of anger, jealousy and fear

Don't wonder too long
Or you'll meet my husband along
I am the beginning of happiness
Care me if you don't want any mess

When you saw everything
I want you to meet my husband Pain
He'll surely make your heart bleeding
To the point you'll end up losing

Pain will be there to test you
If your relationship is true
He'll be there to make you cry
As you stoop low to try

His business is to make you feel pain
Showering you down like a rain
There will be remorse, agony and sorrow
My paradise isn't a happy trip also

When you feel love
You'll also feel pain
The bruises are making you numb
The feeling of losing your sane

Thank you for coming
I hope you learned many things
Don't forget to pass by
I'm always glad to accept you in my paradise

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