64. Alone and Lonely

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The past days, months and even years

I am surviving for going in the flow

But I still can't go on

I'm stuck in the present

I can't move on and live in the moment

I feel so lonely and alone

Like I am coping with no one to hold on

I feel so hollow like a little push and I'll go down

Just a little kick and I'll break down

My chest's feeling so heavy

I feel like I burden the whole world

I feel so alone and lonely

I want to let go of these feelings that's eating me

I want to talk to someone who can understands me

But every one have nothing but a cruel and judging eyes

There's so many things running in my mind

And I'm keeping them inside

I want them to let out

I want these pain to shout

I can't look up to the future

Because I'm stuck in my own hole

I can't live in the present

Because I'm longing something called care

For once I want to feel special and important

So I would be free from this loneliness

I want to be free from the things that haunt me

But the situation doesn't call for it

I feel so little and neglected

I feel so damn pained and rejected

I feel like an old cloth forgotten in the corner

I feel like an outcast thrown away

I feel so many things relating to loneliness

Like this hole devoring me

Leaving me completely broken and shattered

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