6. Alone

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Everytime they left me alone
Things started to mess up in my mind
I felt like a paper that's been crumpled and thrown
I fake smiles saying I'm fine

I know people's vulnerable deep inside
That's why I acted one when I can't stand
I feel so alone despite they're here
'Cause they ignored me like they always did

I acted as fine as you are
But when I'm alone I break down
I showed a fake genuine smile
But deep inside I'm crying so hard

Problems are piling up
They're like monsters showing nonstop
I keep dragging what's bringing me down
If I can just let go and leave them around

I'm hurting inside
Just a little more pain and I'll give up
I've been trying so hard acting as tough
But I'm in the verge to crack

I think I'm all alone in the dark
Fear enveloped my mind and heart
Monster of my past begin to emerge
Feeling of lamentation start to surge

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