22. The Story of Us That Never Was

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First time I saw you
I felt sparks flew
My stomach felt butterflies too
Just by looking at you

The way you stare so mesmerize
You always got me hypnotize
And one thing I realized
That I have this feeling called crush

Starting that encounter day
I'm still hoping we'll see each other someday
Then suddenly God made it true
Like I don't wanna get that day through

It was a vivid view
When I'm trying to stole pictures of you
I was really embarrassed
'Cause you caught me doing that

I got nervous and nearly cuss
But suddenly our eyes locked
It feels my world stop
Just as my heart beat so fast

I can't help but to admire you
It maybe came out of the blue
I just felt it's true
That I already had a crush on you

This world seems so small
Is fate planning more?
Everytime our path crossed
You'll always be the one who broke

I was desparate to get your attention
As if I was seeing everything as crimson
But who am I for you to lay your eyes on?
I am just an average girl whose on her doom

Time is running
Just as my heart is bleeding
Leaving the place were I've seen you leaves a sad feeling
But don't worry boy I won't hope for something

As the years passed by
This crush thing did not subside
Now I'm in Grade 9
Still having this feeling why

Hey it's been a long time
Have you always feel fine?
How about being mine?
Did it ever crossed in your mind?

It was Dec. 16 when I was walking around in the mall
Specifically in the Bum's clothing stall
Then I saw you walking to my direction
And I knew then that it wasn't an imagination

But as you walked through the way
I was just staring at you from far away
Thinking that its the only thing I can do
You're out of my reach so I just have to look at you

There were never an us
And that's the mere fact that hurts a lot
I'll remember this story and my long time crush
'Cause this might be the end of the story of us that never was

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