27. My Heartbreaking Dream

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It was the first time I met you
That I felt this unexplainable feeling too
I harbored it for how long I can still keep
The feelings I want to confess in too deep

You're looking handsome in any angles
And my heart beat fast to your wonders
I'm quite lucky because I have the chance to be with you
But it hurts like hell when I learned that you have a girlfriend

My fantasy falls and shattered like a glass wall
My hope has been crushed and wind take it away
The world that I'm about to build was vanished into thin air
And I sulk all over again for fate wasn't fair

Last time I checked I'm feeling in love with you
How crazy it is when now I'm falling apart in two
When I already fell and happy
That's when fate destroyed my felicity

He surprised me when he said he has a girl he loves
And that's the time my heart splits in halves
He wasn't aware that I'm in love with him
And he just broke me without knowing he did

But here's the twist that shocked me
There's a boy that I just bumped into
And we kind of chat a little while to
He somehow have feelings towards me

The blonde guy that I like says he'll surprise his girl
And I was there to maybe witness a hurtful scene
But it didnt happen when the guy I like approach the guy who likes me
It happened that the guy who likes me was the one who'll surprise the girl he likes and its me

I didnt finish that scene
I know its a kind of shocking
But I can't reciprocate his feelings
Because his not the boy that I'm crazily in love with

And this is my heartbreaking dream
Its when his three inches away but it feels like his a world apart from me
Its when I'm ready to be catch but instead I fell in rock
Its when I'm about to confess but he said that he's in love with someone else

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