33. You Were My Four Season

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Being with you makes me feel the spring
How your smile brought all the feeling
As if the flower dried then starts blooming
And everything happened after the fall starts growing

Winter were just like you
When you act so cold out of the blue
Then it rains in me like the snow is due
Frozing all the feelings I felt for you

The heat you made me feel is like the summer
When you shine so bright that it melts my winter
You gave me light when it gets darker
But I burned with your heat that I drift further

Autumn is like how the love we've shared gets dried
Like how the leaves start to fall from its tree of life
Piece by piece, one by one the leaves left where its tied
From the tree, it falls to the ground and died

You were once my four seasons of love
The one I once dearly had
But just like how the seasons change
So were you, as you left me there tear-stained

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