Pervert [LAMP]

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(I thought of Roman when I saw that picture.)

Roman was eating ceral at the breakfast table in the mind. He was reading the comments on the latest "Sanders Sides" video. He chuckled and smiled at the nice ones and scowled at the hate.

"Morning, baby."

Roman looked up to see Patton tiredly walking towards him. Patton kissed his cheek and walked into the kitchen.

Roman watched him and he glanced down at Patton's butt. "He has a nice butt."

Patton turned around as Roman quickly stared at his bowl. Patton shrugged and continued to go find his breakfast.

Logan was lecturing Thomas about staying healthy... again when Roman popped up.

"Hey, Thomas-!" He looked at the two sitting on the couch, "Oh, am I interrupting something?"

"Well-," Logan started, but Thomas cut him off.

"No, we were almost done anyway!"

Logan rolled his eyes and walked away. Roman watched him go, but stared at his butt.

"Roman," Thomas snapped his fingers in front of his face.

Roman shook his head, "Huh?"

"You needed me?"

"Oh yeah, well I have an excellent video idea!"

Virgil was standing on a ladder to put up some Christmas lights. "Roman, I'm wobbling!"

Roman snapped out of his gaze and help the ladder tighter, "Sorry."

"Whatever...," Virgil shook his head.

Roman went back to staring at Virgil's butt. "You need to put more tape or it will fall!"

Virgil huffed and put more tape.

"That row needs to be a little bit lower!"

Virgil growled and made the row of lights a little more down.

"You need to-!"

"Are you just yelling at me to fix things, so you can stare at my butt!"

Roman blushed and pursed his lips.

Virgil whipped around, "You actually were! I was just joking!"

Roman slapped his forehead while letting go of the ladder.

The ladder started to tilt, "ROMAN!" Virgil started to fall with the ladder.

Roman gasped, "Let go!"


"Trust me!"

Virgil let go of the ladder and started to fall. He screamed waiting for the end, but Roman caught him.

Virgil clung onto Roman for dear life. He started to gasp for air, "Next time you want to look at my butt, don't let it be on a ladder."

"No promises."

Virgil glared up at Roman, but then it became a smirk, "Did you look at the other's butts too?"

Roman began to sweat a little, "... Maybe."

"I'm so telling them."

"No, please don't!"

"Too late."

Roman whipped around at the new voice and saw Logan and Patton.

Roman nervous chuckled and ran for his life. In the process, dropping Virgil on the floor.

"What are we going to do about him?" Logan asked the others.

"He is our boyfriend and we have to deal with him for the rest of our lives... even if he's a little perverted," Patton explained

"True," Virgil and Logan said together.

(First time writing something like this and it's not that bad,... right?)

499 words

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