truth or dare [analogical]

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im a w h o r e for analogical sorry

also no angst today bc im working on them still oof

roman gasped and turned to his two friends. "i have an idea! let's play truth or dare!"

"what are we? third graders?" virgil asked and at the same time patton exclaimed "yeah! let's do that!"

"but let's have a twist! if you don't answer a truth or do a dare you have to.. uh.. let someone prank someone else in your contacts! or someone gets to look through your phone."

virgil sighed, knowing he wouldn't get away with this. "i guess we are third graders."

"oh come on, jack smellington! have fun for once!"

virgil rolled his eyes and looked over at roman. "whatever. let's just get this over with."

roman clapped excitedly. "okay! virgil, truth or dare?"


"who is your crush?"

"you make me sad." virgil sighed, not wanting to say anything. "logan sanders." he mumbled quickly, hoping neither of them heard him.

"oh my gosh!" patton exclaimed, hitting virgil's arm repetitively. "that's adorable! oh! what if he likes you back!"

virgil rolled his eyes. "come on, there is no way!" virgil sighed, laying down on roman's bed. "roman, truth or dare?"


"i dare you to take a bad selfie and post it on your instagram for 24 hours."

"i regret this already!" roman sighed. "here, no way i'm taking an ugly photo. just go through my phone."

virgil giggled as he took roman's phone and searched through it. he went and posted a 'bad' selfie on instagram. he handed his phone back and held back his laughter. "patton! truth or dare?"


roman dramatically groaned. "you guys are losers! new rule, no choosing truth twice in a row!" roman thought for a little. "what is your biggest secret that no one knows?"

"i once got drunk with my friends and we set his parents house on fire." virgil and roman starred at their friend. "what?! at least we had fun!" virgil rolled his eyes at his seemingly innocent friend. "virgil, truth or dare?"

"dare." he sighed, he wanted to pick truth but he had to follow the rules.

"i dare you to prank logan with a song of our choice!" virgil's eyes widened.

"what? why logan?!" virgil glared at the two. "anyone but him, come on!"

"nope! and the song we choose is would you be so kind by dodie!"

"i hate you both." he muttered, clicking on logan's contact. "pull up the lyrics, i don't know them."

me: i have a question.

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