hell [slight prinxiety]

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idk point out mistakes and dont point at me pls

tw. mentions of death and some curses

roman groaned as he sat up. he looked around the room to take in the scenery. the floor was a dirt texture but black, the sky was blood red. there was shuffling beside him and he looked over amd saw someone he would have never expected to see.

"dr. gloom? i thought you were dead." roman scoffed. virgil pursed his lips.

"y-you're kidding.. right?" virgil asked. "also don't call me that prince not so charming."

roman's eyes widened as he clutched his chest. "how dare you insult me! i am the hero, i will not accept this disrespect!" virgil laughed and shook his head. "i see that ugly stutter has came back, too. what happened? are you scared of me?" roman taunted.

"fuck off." virgil spat. "and why would i be scared of you out of anyone. you were scared of a puppy for goodness sakes!"

"i was not! and you would be scared of me because i killed you once i will not hesitate to do it again!" roman went to get out his sword when it wasn't there. he gasped and narrowes his eyes at virgil. "you wouldn't!"

"i didn't." virgil said. "but are you actually serious? you don't understand what's going on at all..?"

"no!" roman groaned and ran his hands down his face. "is this your layer or something?"

the amount of stupidity you would have to have to not understand what was going on here was high, and virgil clearly saw roman had that amount and more.

"let me give you a hint. we share something in common right now."

"uhhh... we both have enemies?" roman asked, virgil said nothing, only sighed. "oh! we're both trying to get out of here."

"are you honestly that stupid. do you  not see the blood red sky?! or how about the literal ashes on the ground!"

roman furred his eyebrows and looked at the ground. "i'm really bad at hints okay.." roman frowned and waited for virgil to explain.

"well i guess common sense skipped over you but we are in hell!" virgil shouted. "and unless we want to get out of here, we're going to end up like everyone here. burned to ashes."

roman yelped as he brushed what he thought was dirt off his clothes. "why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"you were too busy fighting with me." virgil defended himself. "but you know what, fine. i'll just find out how to get out myself."

"but how?! there is no possible way tp get out of here!"

"yeah there is, unless someone finds us dead. then we literally disintegrate." virgil's voice got darker as he spoke. "thanks for killing me and leaving me in your field."

"no problem." roman noticed virgil glare at him. "ah, i'm sorry..."

the younger man completely ignored the older one and walked to the big building that looked deserted. "wait up for me!"

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