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~At Seungcheol's Office~

Seungcheol is eating his lunch that his maid made for him while doing his work. At times, he will look at the door waiting for Yuna.

"Where is this girl? Does she eats that long?" He ask himself while laughing at his own thoughts.

After a few minutes later, the door get knocked two times and opened revealing Choi Yuna peeping her head inside his office.

"There you are. I thought you got lost" Seungcheol ask Yuna and let her seat infront of him. Yuna bows and seat infront of Seungcheol politely.

"Why do you want to tell me Mr. Choi?"

"Yah, you don't have to be formal with me" Seungcheol say

"But we're at school"

"Yah, it's just the two of us here"

"But still we're at school"

"Yea yea whatever. Besides I'm not used to you being formal to me"

Yuna just rolls her eyes at Seungcheol.

"By the way, why you call me?"


"Wha- what. What do you mean nothing!! I just skip class to meet you for nothing!!!"

"Well I'm just bored"

"What!!! I still have class you know!!!"

"Now that's more like it"  Seungcheol suddently make a fatherly smile.


"I'm just kidding so that the rude Yuna came back and it did" Seungcheol grin.

"Yea whatever. By the way, what's with you flirting with Eunha at the class awhile ago" Yuna pout while glaring at Seungcheol.

"Oh... that.... ahh.... you know....."

"Oh? You're sttuterring now? I think there's something fishy with you" Yuna examine Seungcheol up and down.

"No!!! I... ah... wait. Are you jealous?" Now is Seungcheol's time to tease Yuna.

"What!? No I'm not" Denying the fact.

"Are you sure" -Seungcheol

"Ok bye. I'm going to class now!" Yuna quickly stands up and walks out the door.

"I know you can't live without your pretty brother here!!" Seungcheol shouts although he know Yuna will just ignore it.

~Yuna's situation~

Yuna is walking down the school hall to her class. When she suddently pass by a room that she did'nt even notice it's there in the school the whole time.

"Oh? I did'nt know there is a room here. Is it new?" Yuna ask herself.

Out of curiousity, Yuna opens the door of the room and peep her head in. Her eyes widen and her jaw dropped at the sight infront of her.

"Wow, it's a music room? I did'nt know there is one here"

She opens the door wider for her to get in. Yuna walks towards a piano and carrasses it. Then her eye caught a sight of a white guitar at the middle of the room.

Yuna grabs the guitar and sit on the chair that was there and strum the guitar multiple times. Then she thought about playing a song. She looks at her watch.
"30 minutes before school ends. Never mind. I'm already late anyway." Yuna shrug the thought about skipping class and proceed what she was doing.

She strum the guitar and play the song 'Dreaming' by IU while sigging to the song beautifully.


Jimin thought about skipping class cause he's too bored in class. There is no teacher in the class and the class is sooo loud plus Seokmin is spreading his happy virus again.

Jimin walk down the hallway and thought about going to the music room to play his favorite white guitar. He was almost at the door when something caught his attention.

Jimin curiously opens the music room's door and peep his head in a little. And by the second he peep his head in his eyes widen and his figure just stand there like a maniquine.

' I seing things?' 'Should I slap myself?' Cause I think I am looking at an angel now' 'Wow, her singging make my heart melt' 'It make feel at ease' 'Can I keep her?' 'Can I make her mine?' 'But...what if she already have a boyfriend?'


As Yuna sang while strumming the white guitar, her  mind suddently flashback(ed) something from her childhood that she herself don't even know exist.


"Yah!!! Chim!!! Come back!!" The 8 years old Yuna say while playing catch with her friend, her only friend.

"Catch me if you can!!" Chim runs fast around the park. Running away from Yuna but then stop when he heard Yuna groaning in pain.

"Awww...." little Yuna sat on the grass while holding her knee in pain and is about to cry. And just in time Chim came to her and kneel infront of her with a worried face.

"Are you okay Yunnie" Chim worriedly look at little Yuna. But he get even worried when her tears starts to drop. Chim quickly use his small thumb to wipe her tears.

"Don't cry Yunnie" little Yuna smiles while looking at Chim and Chim smiles back at her as if they are a little young couple.

"Awww.... look at you two. You two look like a couple already." little Yuna's mom exclaim.

"Chim ah, who would you want to marry when you grow up?" Chim's mom ask his son. That Chim answered almost immedietly.

"Yunnie!!!" Chim said happilly then hug little Yuna.

"Me too!!! I will also marry Chim when I grow up!!" little Yuna also exclaim happilly then return Chim with a tight hug make the moms just chuckle looking at their cuteness.

"Well I hope so"

~end of flashback~

The song end and Yuna suddently remember that she still have to go home. She looks at her wristwatch and widen when it's already time to go home.

She puts down the guitar at its original place which is next to the chair she is sitting and look up ready to go out but she then suddently frown looking at the figure infront of her.

She slowly stands up from her seat and look at that figure infront of her as if she had know him for a long time now. She just stand there looking at him making eye contact.




Yo!!! I'm back!!! I'm sorry if I take long to update but thank you waiting. Well I want to recomment this fic. Tittle is 'MY NEXT MISSION IS TO STEAL YOUR HEART' don't forget to read it *wink* I will just give one clue for you about that fic

Clue : Skinny Blueberry

Whooppss, I almost forgot this eatjinpartner don't forgot to follow also


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