Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I made my way back to my own house with a smile on my face. No one is going to recognise me with my look. I loved it! I called Becky to tell her what I did.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Where the hell did you go?!” she shouted down the phone, causing me to wince.

“Hello to you too” I chuckled nervously

“Don’t you hello me! You just disappeared and Jayden looked awfully satisfied with something. What did he do?” she said all at once.

I sighed “He was his normal dickish self”

“Ughh I can kill him sometimes! Why did you leave though?”

I turned into my street “I was fed up with being the boring old Lacey so I went shopping” I huge grin went across my face.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve helped” her voice sounded hurt

“Sorry I just wanted to get out of your house quickly” I pulled up into my driveway and got out my car.

“Doesn’t matter” she sighed “what do you look like?” I looked down at myself and smiled

“I’ll come over later and show you”

“Okay but don’t take too long!” she sounded excited

I laughed “I’ll see you later”


I shut my phone and opened my front door “Mom!”

“In the kitchen honey!” she shouted back

I dropped all my shopping bags in the hallway and made my way to the kitchen. It smelled like cake, mom must’ve been cooking.

When I walked into the kitchen my mom, Diane, turned ready to say something but no words came out of her mouth when she saw me. She was looking at a honey blonde girl with side bangs and layers. She had light make up with a tight cream tank top and a shortish flower skirt on. I ditched the glasses for some contact lenses. Let’s just say that I wasn’t the daughter that left the house this morning.

“Wow” was all she said as I stood there a bit awkwardly “Darling, you look beautiful!” she was still stood there with her mouth hanging open.

“Shut your mouth mom, you may catch flies” I joked

“I just can’t believe what you look like! What was the change for?” she asked curiously

“I was fed up with everyone always picking on me. Maybe this look will change people’s opinions”

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