Chapter 20

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Dedicated to Sherman100 for voting on the last chapter! *not edited*


Chapter 20

It had been 2 months since Jayden and I ‘did the deed’ and now we couldn’t get enough of each other. We were like a newly married couple on their honeymoon period. Maybe that was too much information.

“Hey baby” I heard Jayden whisper into my ear. I was stood at the kitchen counter as he wrapped his arms around my waist a placing them on my stomach.

I turned around in his arms and laced my hands around his neck “Hey handsome”

He chuckled and pulled me in for a long kiss, a very passionate kiss. He lifted me up onto the kitchen counter so I wrapped my legs around his waist. There was no space between us.

“Eww get a room” Becky’s voice came through as she walked in the kitchen

We pulled apart instantly and I put my face into Jayden’s neck as I blushed.

“ughh can’t you go and annoy your boyfriend of something” Jayden groaned

“I can’t he’s workingggg” she whined

I climbed back off the kitchen counter and resumed getting my drink which I was doing before I got disrupted.

“Ohh I’ll have some of that! It’s soooo hot!” Becky complained

I pulled out the Sunny D from the fridge and poured 3 glasses.

“Well it is summer Bex, it’s supposed to be hot” Jayden pointed out “Thanks” he said as he took a sip of the drink.

“I know, but this summer is going soooooo slow” she placed her head on the island

“Well this is the last summer with all three of us together so enjoy it” I said, sighing

Jayden came over a wrapped his arm around my shoulder; I placed my head on his. We go back to school in 3 weeks and Jayden goes to college in a week’s time as he got onto an advanced list at Harvard to do law which he couldn’t miss out on. It was a great opportunity. It’s just slightly daunting that he was leaving in a week.

“We can get through this Lace” Jayden whispered into my ear

“But what if we can’t” I turned to look his straight in the eye. Becky had got up a left us alone in the kitchen. She probably knew that this was going to be a serious chat.

“Long distance relationships work Lacey” he cupped my face in his hands

“But most don’t, J” I reasoned

Jayden laughed but it wasn’t a cheery one “Is this your way of breaking up with me?” he pulled away from me

My eyes widened “What? No!” I said quickly

“Well you don’t seem that bothered if we don’t work” he said bitterly

“I am bothered, I’m just looking at the sensible side” I explained

“Yeah well come find me when you stop being sensible” with that he turned and walked out the room

“Jayden wait!” I called but he was already gone

I sighed and rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. Becky came into the kitchen looking at me sympathetically.

“Everything will turn out okay Lace, I promise” she came over and hugged me.

“I hope so” I mumbled into her shoulder “Have you got any ibuprofen? I’ve got a major headache”

Becky nodded “Yeah they’re in my bathroom cabinet”

“Thanks” I walked up her stairs and into her room. I could hear Becky following me; she sat on her bed as I went into her bathroom.

I pulled open the cabinet to have a box hit me square in the forehead “Ow! Becky you need to sort your cabinet out!” I said laughing

“Sorry!” she called to me

I went to pick up the box that hit me but froze when I saw it. I picked up the tampons and tried to count the days in my head. I couldn’t think properly so I ran into Becky’s room and looked at her calendar.

Oh. My. God

“Lace? What’s wrong? You look really pale” Becky came up and placed a hand on my shoulder

I jumped at her touch “I’m late” I whispered

“Huh?” Becky asked, not understanding

“I’ve missed 2 months on my period”

Becky’s eyes widened in shock “b-but you were safe right?”

Realisation dawned on me; I shook my head “Not the first time! How could I have been so stupid! I’m normally safe with everything!” I started to panic, no I couldn’t be.

“Look, you may be overreacting. Let’s go to the drugstore and get a test”

I nodded and let her pull me out of the room. We got to the store in minutes and now we were staring at the assortment of tests in front of us.

“What one do we pick?” Becky asked

“I have no idea!” I never knew there were so many brands

“Right” Becky leant forward and picked up two tests at random “Let’s go pay”

The old women at the till looked at us with a disappointed look. People were so judging these days. We got back to the Harrison’s and went into Becky’s bathroom.

My hands were shaking as I peed on the stick. What am I going to do? How will I tell Jayden? I’m too young for this!

When I was done with the first one I did the second one just to make sure. I put both of them on the side as I got up and washed my hands.

“You done yet?” Becky called in

“One minute!” I called back

I gave a shaky sigh and turned to the two tests that were leant on the side near the sink. I picked both up, one in each hand and looked at the result.

“I’m coming in!” Becky barged into the bathroom and looked at me expectantly “Well?”

“I’m pregnant”


Ooohhhh drama ;) What will Jayden say???

Thanks for reading!


Dani <33

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