Chapter 5 - Zoe

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I flop on my bed in my pjs and get under the covers.

'Joey, no.  Don't go in there.  Go into your own room.' I hear either Newt or Fin whisper.

'No.  I want to sleep in here.'  Joey replies to one of the twins, sounding like he is about to throw a tantrum.

'Joey, no.'

'Fin, Yes.'

My door opens and my eyes burn when the person turns the lights on.

'Ah! Turn the lights off.' I moan, turning and smashing my face into my pillow.

'Sorry, Aila.' Fin says.  'Joey, c'mon, let's go.'

'No, I told you already. I'm sleeping here.' Joey says, crossing his arms and stomping his foot.

'Joey, if your mum knows we're in here then she will be angry.' Fin whispers frantically.

Joey doesn't reply and instead takes his shoes off and gets into my double bed.

'Had one too many drinks tonight, Joey?' I say with a laugh.

He mumbles a yes.

'Sorry, Aila.' Fin whispers.

'It's fine, let him stay here, he's clearly not going to move.  If he tries anything I'll make sure he's sorry.' I say, chuckling.

'Stop talking. I'm trying to sleep.' Joey mumbles.

Fin and I exchange a look of mock irritation, although I think his was more of a 'good luck' sign.

'Night, Fin.'

'Night, Aila.'

'Me too!' Joey whines.

'Night, Joey.' Fin and I sigh at the same time.

'Night guys.' Joey says with a chuckle.

'How comes you had so much to drink?' I ask Joey once Fin shut the door.

'Was my birthday on Wednesday.  Mum n dad said I could.' He mumbles.

'Happy birthday for Wednesday.' I sigh, lying on my side, facing away from him.

As my eyes start to droop I feel Joey's arm hang across me and I am dragged a bit into his chest.


When I wake up to an alarm I feel something pressed up again my face and body I immediately think I've been kidnapped.

Then I remember, I live in England now.

Joey, the one who was hugging me in my sleep, something I don't know whether I should be okay with even though I'm assuming that I am, rolls onto his back and stretches.

'Oh, hi.' He says when he sees me I pull the covers back over me, trying to go back to sleep.  'Ah, my head.' He groans, slamming his palms into his forehead.

'Yo, don't do that, it'll make it worse.' I say pulling his hands away from his face and then going back under the covers.

'Just because you don't live in Scotland doesn't mean you don't have to go to school, you know?' He pulls the covers over my head and then reaches down and turns the alarm off.

'Excuse me?'

'We have school today.  It's 7:20, get up.  We're leaving in 20 minutes.' Joey gets out of my bed and ruffles his hair, walking to the door as I reluctantly get up too.


'Hi, I'm Zoe, I'm going to be showing you around the school.' Zoe, who has brown hair and eccentric green eyes, holds out her hand for me to shake, smiling.

It took us about 15 minutes to drive to school here, we had to leave the village as there are no schools there. Joey walked me to the reception to meet Zoe as a sort of apology for last night. I saw him give Zoe a cheeky wink before he left.

I shake Zoe's hand and smile.

'Hey, I'm Aila. It's nice to meet you.'

'Nice to meet you too.' She grins. 'Here's your timetable, let me see...' She looks down the columns of my schedule and clicks her teeth. 'Ah, here we are, you have drama first with Big D. Oh, yeah, sorry, her name is Miss Davenport but she is the head of drama and everyone calls her Big D because she doesn't really care.' Zoe hands me my timetable and I laugh, looking down to see my lessons.

Drama, English and a free on Monday.
Geography, free, Drama on Tuesday.
English, free, free on Wednesday.
Geography, English, Drama on Thursday.
Free, Geography, free on Friday.


'So, how'd you know Joey?' Zoe asks, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear and leading me to my first lesson.

'His parents are fostering me.' I reply, knowing she's just trying to make conversation.

'Woah, that must be full on, living with the Jones Clan.' She laughs.

'The Jones Clan?' I laugh too.

'Yeah, well there's so many of them, everyone calls them the Clan.'

'What subjects do you do?' I ask when the convo starts to stop.

'French, geography and maths.'

'Ew, why maths?' I ask to which Zoe laughs.

'I love maths!'

'What's wrong with you?' I cry.

'Ouch, just remember I'm taking you to your lesson and could leave you at any minute.' She jokes.

'You wouldn't do that.'

'And why not?'

'I bet you're doing this for credit or something.' I chuckle when I see the look of defeat on Zoe's face.

'Well I do hate to leave, Aila, but I have to get to maths. I'll see you at the end of your lesson to take you to your next, see ya.' She hugs me once we get there.

'Bye and thank you.' I reply hugging her back.


'Haila! How ya doing?' Newt asks loudly as I walk into the drama room.

'Haila, wanna be in my group.' Fin asks.

'Erm, hi guys.' I give them a small smile.

'Aila, nice to meet you, I'm Miss D.'   Miss D is a tall, skinny woman with long brown hair that ombrés into blonde.  She is young, about 30-35 and smiling at me.

'Ah, nice to meet you too, Miss D.' I reply after a second.

'Right, so today we are starting our devised pieces.  I understand you've already done your written pieces for your A-Level last year?'

'Ah, yeah I have.'

'Good, good, do you want to go in a group with Newt or Fin or with people who are completely new?'

'New please.'

'Great!' She leads me to a group of 3 people.  'This is Maria,' She points to a girl with blonde hair that cuts short at her shoulders, green eyes and dark eyebrows.  Maria smiles at me.  'Luca,' a boy with brown hair and eyes grins at me, he is quite tall and skinny.  'And Felix.' Felix smiles at me as well.  He has ginger hair and bright blue eyes and is smaller than me.



Hope y'all liked this 'lil chapter

M xxx

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