Winter Showcase

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"Hurry up! We were supposed to be here a half an hour ago!" I yell to Aspen who is taking forever to find her makeup bag in her car.

"I'm sorry I just need to—ah ha!" She holds up the make up bag and I roll my eyes suppressing a smile. "Okay let's go." She says pulling me inside the auditorium.

The winter showcase. The build up has a nerve racking but go ahead and multiple it by a million and that's how nervous we all are. The practices with Damien have been interesting. That's really it. He hasn't said anything to me and I haven't said anything ng to him. There's nothing to say.

We rush into the auditorium and that's when I see Daphne in my costume. As if this day could get any worse. I walk up to her and cross my arms.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask annoyed.

She smiles at me. So fake. "Oh hey Bronx. I just thought I'd try it on since you two were no shows. It fits like a pig in a blanket. Don't worry no one is stealing your part. Yet, anyways." She adds before giving me a smug look and walking away.

"I swear to god if that little, conniving, backstabbing—"

"Slow your roll tiger. Its just your costume." Aspen says humorously.

"Yes! But first its the costume then its the role and then—"

"And then Bronx Valentine goes crazy? Or did it already happen?" She smirks at me and I groan. "Calm down. You need to be in makeup before Mrs. Blackwell kills you."

"Fine fine." I say rolling my eyes.

"Bronx get over here!" I hear Ashlynn say and I walk over to the makeup station and sit down. She immediately starts curling my hair into soft waves. "Where have you been!? Your hair and part of your makeup should have been done by now."

"I'm sorry, Aspen and I had to do something. We were on a time crunch." I explain.

She sighs. "Its fine. Damien is waiting to run through the dance  where you first meet because Mrs. Blackwell said its choppy and needs fro be fixed. I will get you into your first costume when I'm done with your hair and makeup."

Ugh Damien.

My honest feelings for him? Slowly being erased. Slowly. The heartstrings still tug when I see him smile or when I hear his name. When I see his eyes or think of him. Its the little things.

"Okay." I say forcing a smile.

Twenty minuets later my hair and makeup is done to pristine perfection. Its simple and I know it needs to be changed at intermission to a darker set because of the prom scene. But I love it. "Ashlynn its perfect, thank you."

"Just doing my job." She says smiling.

My costume is a light blue skater skirt and a white tight long sleeved shirt.

"Ten minutes until curtain!" A guy yells and my stomach flip flops. Just breathe. Its fine.

"Go!" Ashlynn yells and I laugh before going to find Damien and Mrs. Blackwell.

When I finally find them Mrs Blackwell says the dance is just going to have to do. She doesn't have the time or energy to fix it. She walks away to take her seat and I'm left alone on the stage with Famine. I look at the blood red curtain that flows to the ground in front of me. I bop up and down breathing heavily and tapping my foot.

"Calm down. You're giving me nerves." Damien says breaking the silence.

My mind focuses on the murmurs of voice beyond the curtain.

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