Chapter 1

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I wake up abruptly on a hovercraft. I don't know whose it is or where I am. I look over to see Beetee next to me. I fear the Capitol has us. I get up and walk to the door where I hear whispering. I press my ear up against it, but when I do, the door opens and I fall to the ground. I get up quickly, my senses alert, when I see Haymitch, Finnick, and Plutarch staring at me.

"Where's Katniss?" I ask. No answer.

"Where is Katniss," I say in a harsher tone.

Haymitch replies, "She's been taken by the Capitol. We are heading to District 13 right now." I look at him in disbelief, and then I get mad. I walk over to Haymitch and punch him.

"YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD SAVE HER OVER ME! YOU PROMISED!" Haymitch returns the punch while I am given a sedative.

I groan as I wake up, in pain. I open my eyes and look around in this all white room, minus the metal cot. I look around, wondering where I am, when I see the Capitol seal. Now I groan even louder. I look over to my side to see Johanna on my right and Annie on my left. I feel a little better. But then I realize that Peeta is not here. I become upset, and tears start rolling down my face when Johanna wakes up.

"Hey Brainless," she says. I become happy hearing her speak.

"Where is Peeta?" I ask.

"He is with District 13 right now. Don't worry, he's safe, and at the center of the rebellion," she replies. That does make me feel better, but my mood changes when peacekeepers walk in and go to Johanna's cell.

"No! No! Take me instead. I'll go," I said in a hurry.

"Never stop volunteering, do you? "Wow, you really are Brainless, Katniss," Johanna said "But you've got gut!"

I smile as the peacekeepers take me to the torture chamber instead of Johanna. First I'm whipped. 50 times. Then electrocuted. Then drowned. Then cut. Then the whole process repeats. When I come back to my cell, Annie is awake as the peacekeepers push me in there. They let Johanna and Annie in my cell to clean me up.

"I expect her to be of full use tomorrow and the next day and the next day," one of the peacekeepers says as they leave. Johanna and Annie come in, looking terrified. They do fix me though but I will never be able to get rid of the scars. One day the peacekeepers finally have a reason to torture me. They ask where the rebel base is, even though I have no idea. They never believe me. Then on another day, they don't take me to the torture chamber. Instead, they take me to a room I haven't been in before. And as soon as I walk in, I know why. Staring right at me was the cold, killer, snake-like person. Snow.

"President Snow, what an honor," I say in my best sarcastic voice, which seems to frustrate him.

"Surprised you didn't have the courage to torture me yourself," I say, knowing it will anger him. One of the peacekeepers puts me on my knees while the other punches me. Twice. I notice that both my nose and my lips are bleeding.

"Hey look Snow, now I look like you!" I say. This really gets to him as he comes over to me personally and punches me.

"Is that the best you've got?" I ask. The question is answered by a harsh slap. I feel accomplished.

"Why did you really call me here?"I ask.

"You are going to do an interview tonight. This will be played all across Panem. You are to say how terrible the war is and that you are calling for a cease-fire. Understand?" he says.

"Why would I ever do that?" I ask.

"Because I know exactly where your family and everyone you care about is. And I will have bombs dropped there if you do not do this. Understand?" he asks. This time I nod.

"Good," he says. "Find a stylist or something for her. But she has to wear a red dress." I don't even question why I have to, I just agree. As I meet my new stylists, which just brings back painful memories of Cinna. They dress me and hide my scars pretty well, but you can still see some. My dress is of course red that is shorter in the front and long and flowing in the back. I now know why I have to wear a red dress, because it covers op open cuts that you can see the blood. As I am almost ready to go, I wait by the door about to open it when I hear the two guards talking.

"It's good that the President is still bombing 13. We need to end this war and wipe out all the rebels. I can't believe that that stupid prisoner believed Snow," the guard says as the other guard agrees. I place my hand over my mouth, not sure what to think. But I know I still have to go out there. I don't have a choice. As I walk down, I see one familiar face. Ceaser Flickerman. This reassured me some, but not enough to stop the pounding of my heart. The cameras start rolling and I know what I have to do.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I bring you one of the Capitol's favorites, Katniss Everdeen!" Ceaser said as I walked out.

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