Chapter 5

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When I wake up, I find myself in the forest. The peaceful forest. I see mockingjays fly and I feel happy. Then I see Rue. She's jumping from tree to tree around me.

"Rue!" I yell out.

"Good to see you Katniss, the mockingjay," she says.

"Am I dead?" I ask.

"Not yet, but it's your choice," she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I hear doctors freaking out and then Peeta. He's saying "Katniss, stay with me!" over and over. I look up at Rue.

"I need to go back," I tell her.

"Yes I know," she says. I start to return.

"But Rue?" I say.


"I'm so sorry. It's my fault. You were too young," I choke out with tears.

"Shhh, it's ok. The only person's fault it is is Snow. Remember who the real enemy is. Katniss, promise me you will kill him," she says. I promise and I hug her as tight as I can, returning to the real world. My eyes open, and the doctors look relieved. Peeta though, he's still crying.

"You were dead. Your heart stopped," he said.

"Well it's working now," I laugh out, remembering almost losing Peeta. He remembers this too and chuckles.

"I'll let you sleep," he says as he starts to leave.

"Wait, will you stay with me?" I ask.

"Always," Peeta says and I cuddle up in his big protective arms. I fall asleep with no nightmares. Or so I think. Peeta and I are holding hands, running together. We have two kids who we are holding. One big happy family, the perfect dream. Then Snow walks out. He kills my children, then Peeta, but he leaves me alive to think about how I could of saved them.

"All you had to do was kill me," he says. I wake up screaming. That makes Peeta wake up.

"Bad dream," I say, not wanting to go into detail, which Peeta picks up on.

It's been about 2 weeks after my knife accident and the real torture is waiting to see what Snow has planned. I enjoy my time though, knowing it could be my last. I talk and laugh with Prim, walk hand in hand with Peeta, talk to Haymitch, and hang out with Effie. I avoid Gale because I know he knows I know, and I don't want to get stabbed again. No one believes he is a spy, they just think it's my post trauma experience.

One day, I'm eating with Prim, when Boggs calls me to the command room. I sigh, hoping it's not what I think it is. I give Prim a pat in the head, then go to the command room.

Inside, I see everyone sitting at a table, with Snow at the head, on the glass. It takes everything not to A.) puke, B.) start yelling, or C.) throw a chair at him. Instead, I put on my fakest smile.

"Miss Everdeen, you never seem to stay dead, do you?" He says.

"Well maybe if you actually did it, I would stay dead," I snap back. Snow ignores my comment as everyone at the table looks at me, surprised by my stupidness.

"I have a deal for you," he says.

"No," Peeta says.

"Well you haven't even heard it. Besides, it's not for you, it's for Miss Everdeen," he says.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"You. You haven't nearly been tortured enough for all the crimes you did," He says.

"So you will turn yourself over to me, or I will bomb District 10 and 11," He says.

"Very well, think about that. You have three days," he said. Then the screen goes blank. I fall on my knees with tears falling out of my eyes, thinking about all the deaths I could prevent. But for what? To get tortured and then killed? One death is better than hundreds, so I make my decision right then and there. I run out of the room, with Peeta at my heels. I go into my compartment, still crying. I lay on my bed thinking about this. Prim, Peeta, Finnick, my Mom, Haymitch, and Effie stand at the door, not letting me out. They will not let me turn myself in. I try to push through but with no prevail.

"Katniss, you can't do this," Peeta says.

"Dear, he's right," Effie says.

"So you are willing to let hundreds die just to save me? I am a terrible person. I have killed. Remember Peeta, I tried to kill you. I don't deserve to live. I deserve to die as much as Snow does," I say. Everybody really ponders it as I say it. But as I say my last comment, they gasp. They are all talking to me about how Snow is a monster, I only did what was necessary, but it only made me feel worse.

"We need to set up a watch for her," my mom says. I glare at her.

"That's a good idea," Haymitch comments. I look at Prim. She hasn't said a word at all. Instead tears roll down her face. But she makes no sound. I can't imagine what it must feel like to lose a sister 3 times, possible 4. I turn and lay on my bed and go to sleep. Nightmares keep me up. Nightmares of the people in Districts dying, trying to run from the bombs. Then I see Rue's family, each one personally executed by Snow. I scream out, crying. I have this same dream every time I try to sleep. It goes on like this for two days. At night, I have the nightmare again, but this time, I don't scream. Instead, I just get up slowly. Peeta lays next to me. I go over to the desk and write notes for everyone telling them how sorry I am. I dress in all black, rebelling from the Capitol's white. I put my hair in my signature braid. I take nothing with me. I know I won't be able to escape. Then I creep out the door. I make it about halfway when someone grabs my arm. I turn around to see Peeta. He tells me I can't do this then tries to drag me back to the compartment. But I won't put his life in danger. So I punch him, knocking him out. Then I run towards the hanger when I run into Finnick. He just gives me a hug.
He knows what I'm going to do. But he doesn't stop me. I promise to save Annie for him. He nods. Finally, without any interruptions, I get on a hovercraft and I learn how to fly it. And I do. I look down from the window to see all the beautiful land I'm leaving behind.

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