Chapter 10

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I stare at her. The girl who ruined everything.
I yell for the doctors. Miss Everdeen will not die until she has paid for what she's done. After that, I will publicly whip her, then execute her. The heart rate turns back to a steady beeping.

Ow. That's the first word I think of when I wake up. I'm in a hospital of some sorts. A hospital with the Capitol seal. I get very mad. I can never escape this nightmare of a place. The doctors all try to talk to me with their thick Capitol accents but the only thing I can focus on is the man in my room. Snow. He's glaring at me. Why did he take me to a hospital? I certainly know that it's not because he cares about me or worries about my wellbeing. He doesn't want me to die. Yet. He's going to torture me the worst then kill me. At least when I die, I will be me. I drift of back to sleep not wanting anything to do with this world. Days go bye. Then weeks. Finally I'm all healed. Just to be tortured again. Guards take me back underground to I'm hoping my cell. But of course, it's not. I get hooked up to a chair and get the worst whipping I've ever gotten. Then the guards tie my hands to the ceiling, leaving my feet dangling. They whip me with two whips this time, one on each side. Then they attach me to my chair again. I get electrocuted. Then drowned. Everything I'm used to, but worse. When the guards are done, I expect them to take me back to my cell but instead, they just leave. Snow and his servant come in. Then it hits me. He wants to make my last days on Earth the most painful, so I will get no cell. I will get no break.

"Ah Miss Everdeen. You have failed me yet again," he said. "You seem to have been immune to both types of hijacking," he says.

"Well maybe it's the person who did it's fault," I say because Snow did both of my hijackings, a real honor. "Or maybe it's because I have love in my heart," I say. "Tell me Snow, do you know what love is? Well since never experienced it before, it can overcome all odds," I say. This really makes him mad.

"Dylan, I think it's time that we remind Miss Everdeen of where she is and who's in charge," Snow says. Dylan, which I guess is his servant, nods his head but doesn't say anything. He's an Avox. Snow walks over to the table and unlocks his "tool box". He takes out a knife. Dylan moved me and my chair over by the fire. Snow takes his knife and sets it in the fire, heating it. I turn my head as I see Dylan come back in with a camera. He starts filming. Snow takes the knife and presses it against my skin. It's burning hot, I try my best not to scream, but I groan loudly. He sets the knife back in the fire then shows me my arm. The burn marks say something. They read SNOW.

"I am in charge here and I own you. Don't you ever forget that," he said. He takes the knife out and does the same thing to my opposite thigh which hurts even more. Then guards come in and start whipping me again.

It's been weeks since Katniss was taken. I just hope she's dead already so she doesn't go through anymore pain. That's when a video starts playing on every screen. First it shows Katniss getting whipped by some guards. Then it shows Snow walk in and he and Katniss have a conversation but I don't know what about. Whatever it is, you can tell it makes him mad. Then you hear:
"Dylan, I think it's time that we remind Miss Everdeen of where she is and who's in charge," Snow says. Dylan nods his head yes. You can see some fear in Katniss's eye as Dylan pushes her chair over by the fire. Then you see Snow heating a knife in the fire. When it's ready, he takes it out and starts burning her skin and you can tell it really hurts her because she looks away and groans, clearly trying to be strong and not scream. The camera focuses on her arm and it reads SNOW. I get very mad and scream. And then he does it again on her leg, right through the pants. That's it. I go walk and storm into Coin's private meeting.

"We are saving Katniss tonight," I say.

"No," Coin says.
We watch her get whipped some more then they knock her out. Snow comes on the screen and says, "Three Days from today at 2:30, this girl will be executed for her crimes against the Capitol."

"No!" I scream as they take her away, tears pouring down my face. "Please, she has to live. I need her," I cry out.

Coin considers this and agrees. We will go tonight.

I go find Prim and tell her we are rescuing Katniss. She starts crying tears of joy. If anything goes wrong tomorrow, it would break her.

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