Chapter 11

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Three days from now I die. But I will fight for as long as I can. They can't change that. Right now, they have me strapped to a chair. I'm all by myself. Again, mental torture. Then I watch in horror as they handcuff me, remove me from my chair, and take me outside. Outside, I see fighting going on. It's peacekeepers and rebels! I cry out, yelling at Snow to make it stop. The rebels hear me and turn to see me. Oops bad idea. Snow just grins at me as he throws me down the stairs. Ow. Then he comes down the stairs with a whip in his hand. I groan. The rebels are looking at me. A couple are still fighting, but they are going down quickly.

"Fight! Don't worry about me. Fight! Right now!" I yell. This seems to anger Snow as he starts whipping me. I look up. Everyone is fighting now except for three people. Haymitch. Finnick. Peeta. I see a guard running towards Peeta with a knife.

"Peeta! Behind you!" I yell. Peeta take this as a hint and turns around and kills the guard. I smile. But not for long. Two peacekeepers pick me up by my arms.

"Miss Everdeen, do you have anything to say to your rebel friends?" Snow asks, hoping for me to ask them to come and get me. Now everyone stops fighting and looks at me.

"Yes, I do" I say. "Don't keep fighting! You are going to lose. Retreat. I will be fine. Now go," I say as fast as I can. This really angers Snow and they take me away. But before the doors close, I watch two rebels run after me, but then get shot. I scream and try to break through but it's no use. I feel a needle in my back and I pass out.

We land the hovercraft and get out, our guns loaded, ready to fight. There are only about 200 of us. That's when I look up and I see none other than President snow standing in the middle of a line of 1000 peacekeepers. We hold our guns up ready to fire as a small group of about 100 peacekeepers walk out to meet us. That's only the first wave. We were walking closer, getting ready to fire as we know that we might only survive the first couple of waves. That's when I see her. Katniss. Four peacekeepers carry her out because we all know that she can definitely overcome two. Her hands are tied behind her back as they sit her down next to Snow. You can hear her yelling at him telling him to make them stop but he doesn't listen. Instead, he just kicks her down the steps. Then you see him walk down the stairs with a whip and fire in his eyes. Katniss gets up and looks at us. You can tell that everyone minus a few people stop fighting and look her in the eye.

"Fight! Don't worry about me. Fight! Right now!" She yells. But I can't move. I'm frozen. Looking at her face. I hear battle cries around me and guns firing. She looks me in the eye as she's getting whipped and fear overcomes her eyes.

"Peeta, behind you!" I hear her yell. I turn around and I see a guard coming at me with a knife. I shoot him then turn back to Katniss. Two guards pick her up and you can hear Snow say, "Miss Everdeen, do you have anything to say to your rebel friends?" Everyone around me stops fighting and as she looks me dead in the eyes with as much love as possible, she says, "Yes, I do". "Don't keep fighting! You are going to lose. Retreat. I will be fine. Now go,". I watch in horror as the guards take her back inside. I start to move towards her when I see two rebels run after her, trying to get her, but then both are shot. I start running before I think. Then Haymitch and Finnick hold me back. I cry out, but I know I will see her again. The only problem is that it will be at her execution.

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