Chapter 9

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We make all the preparations for war.
We all go out and wait.

We are marching to 13 to kill the traitors. I tell my soldiers to stop and I look straight ahead and I see people coming forward. It's time.

I see the peacekeepers marching forward following someone in red. Whoever it is gives a signal and they start running towards us. But they stop close enough so we can see them and their faces. But my eyes were fixed on the person in red. It was Katniss. I left the army and ran back inside to go talk to Coin. I tell her Katniss is leading it. Guards come in and wait by the door because we know we will be the people she will want to kill first.

I give the signal and we start charging towards them. But I stop them as we get close enough to see everyone's faces. I see Peeta run inside. I give him a 5 second head start before I signal my men and they start firing. I take two men and we follow Peeta inside.

Once inside, I go into all the doors trying to find Peeta. To the guards we see, I shoot them in the leg so they can feel my pain. I open one door where I find two people talking. Coin and Peeta.

"Should I knock?" I ask in a sarcastic voice. I shoot both guards at the door in the leg while I make my guards wait outside. I draw my bow and aim it at them.

"What happened to you? Your eyes are red," Peeta said.

"You happened. In the Quarter Quell you and Finnick stabbed me and shot me especially in the leg. It was only by the generosity of the Capitol and President Snow I am still alive today. Don't pretend like you forgot," I say.

"That never happened," Peeta says clearly with a broken heart.

"Enough talking," I say.

I don't understand. Last time I saw Katniss, she had stabbed Snow in the hand. Now she is saying how nice and generous he is. Then it hits me. Hijacking. But last time she could resist it. Last time her eyes were black. Now they are red. This is a new type of hijacking.

I knock Coin out with the other end of my knife. I aim my bow at Peeta.

"Shoot me," He says.

"As you wish," I said. I drew back the bow but something stopped me. I wavered for a second but in that time, he runs out.

With Katniss's how aimed at my heart I say "shoot me". She responds with an "as you wish". She draws back her bow but then doesn't do anything. I see her eyes turn back to gray and I smile because I know she is still in there. I just have to get her out. In that time, I run. I see her chasing me so I run outside.

I chase Peeta only to have him lead me outside. I take my knife out and put my bow over my shoulder. Then I see him. I tackle him to the ground in the middle of the battle which stops everyone from fighting. They all look at us as they see me trying to kill him. Then I have the perfect opportunity. I raise my knife to stab him. When I push the knife down, I stab myself, not him. I fall as Peeta catches me. I feel my old self coming back. I look Peeta in the eye and kiss him before I pass out.

When I'm outside, I see her put her bow over her shoulder and take her knife out. She sees me and run towards me. She tackles me in the middle of the battle so everyone stops and watches us. We fight for a while when I lose my footing and fall, giving her the opportunity to stab me. She raises her knife and thrusts it down. Only she stabs herself, not me. I catch her as she falls. She has almost died twice because of a knife because of Snow. She looks into my eyes. I look into her beautiful gray eyes and she kisses me before passing out. I see a hovercraft come and I think that this cannot be good. It's a Capitol hovercraft. Still holding Katniss, Finnick ushers me inside. But I won't leave her. Not again. She can't go back. After a while, Finnick gets Haymitch and they drag me off, leaving Katniss's body. I watch in horror as Snow gets out, looks at me dead in the eye and does his evil smile. Then he picks up Katniss and loads her on the hovercraft. I scream, trying to break free. But they won't let me. I have tears going down my face and I yell at Haymitch.

"YOU LEFT HER. YOU LEFT HER AGAIN! YOU SAY TOU CARE ABOUT HER YET YOU NEVER SAVE HER!" I yell, very mad. Katniss has to go to the Capitol again. Who knows what will happen to her.

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