Chapter 2

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I guess District 13 is nice. It's just a lot of gray. It's boring, and I wouldn't call it home but I can only imagine what Katniss is going through. I have barely eaten anything since I found out about her. I spent my time with Prim and her mother, trying to comfort them. I also spend a lot of time drawing and painting Katniss. It's what keeps me going. Keeps me from going mad. I walk down to the mess hall one day and I see the TV on. Right now they are talking about some stupid guy who fell down because of the weight of his wig. I try not to pay attention but then something does grab it.

"Stay tuned because after the break, we will bring you the story of the girl on fire, Katniss Everdeen!" Ceaser says. I think everyone gasped. I took Prim's hand and I sprinted down to the control room. I open the door to find Coin, Haymitch, Finnick, and Plutarch all watching the screen that bears the Capitol seal. Then it changes to an image of Ceaser and Katniss.


"So Katniss, what really happened at the Quarter Quell?"

"Well I was getting ambushed when I ran up to fine Beetee who was lying there. He had a pulse but it was very scary. Then I heard cannons go off. I thought it would be Peeta so I ran around calling his name. He returned my call, but it was stopped. I shot an arrow at the sky because I thought I could save Peeta," I said. That part is actually the truth.

"Well some people say you were apart of the rebel plan," Ceaser says.

"Peeta and I and no information nor had we ever heard of any rebel plan," I reply truthfully.  Ceaser says he believes me which is good.

"So what are your opinions on the war?" Ceaser asks.

"Do you want the truth?" He nods yes. "Well I think that... I have to look at my cards to see what is next. Then I look up at Snow.

"Well I think that... Peeta I love you! Snow is planning on bombing 13 he knows where you are. You have to get somewhere safe. Peeta I love you so much and..." I am stopped as the wind gets knocked out of me by a peacekeeper. He takes out his whip and starts whipping me after he hits the camera while I crawl over and break the camera screen so they can't hear me scream and watch me struggle. Snow walks over to me and bends down so I can see him to tell me that my behavior and loyalty had been questioned and I must pay for it. That is the last image I see before I pass out. He crooked, evil smile.

I watch as Katniss gets questioned and I feel so bad. I can see some scars and scratches and I know that is only a fraction of what she endures every day.

So what are your opinions on the war?" Ceaser asks.

"Do you want the truth?" He nods yes. "Well I think that.." she looks at cards in her hand to see what is next. Then she looks up somewhere, which I'm guessing is Snow.

"Well I think that... Peeta I love you! Snow is planning on bombing 13 he knows where you are. You have to get somewhere safe. Peeta I love you so much and..."

I stand then in disbelief as I see her get whipped. Then nothing. She broke the camera lenses. I sit down, my face covered with tears. I see Haymitch looking closer to tears, Finnick in them, and Prim crying her heart out. Prim. Poor Prim. Then the alarms go off. We hurry down to the basement, to the bomb shelter. The only way we would of survived this is because of the warning from Katniss. And now she's getting punished for it. It makes me sick.

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