Chapter 12

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Today is the execution. But I won't let that happen. I won't. I dress in Capitol clothes to blend in. I take my gun and put it in my belt. Then we walk out into the crowd. Everyone in the Capitol is required to go to this execution however no one looks happy. After all, they did still like Katniss. But they don't look mad enough to stop it.

Today is the day of the execution. The day I say goodbye to my world. I walk in the door to a room where I see Cinna waiting for me. I run to him and hug him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were dead!" I say. Cinna just shakes his head "no".

"They made you an Avox didn't they?" I ask him. He nods his head yes. So this is Snow's last bit of torture. See Cinna, the man I trusted only to find out he's been tortured. A new hate for Snow finds its home inside of me. Cinna dresses me in an all black outfit. I notice some weird padding but I pass it from my mind. It is the Capitol. People want me to look my best when I die. Cinna puts the gold mockingjay pin on the outfit, the pin shining now more then ever. He also gives me a bracelet with a button on it. He writes a note that says "you will know the time when to press it".

"So will this be before or after I'm dead," I ask with some sarcasm.

"Just do it. For me," he mouths. I nod my head. It's time. Guards escort me outside where they tie me to a post. I guess I will get whipped some more. I know Peeta is in the crowd somewhere and is planning a rescue. But it's no use. I'm dead already. I sigh, excepting my fate. It's the only thing I can do. Snow walks out with a whip in his hand. He whips me 12 times, because I'm from district 12. The guards untie me and hold me up. Snow points his gun at my heart and fires. I fall to the ground thinking about how amazing my life was. I hear someone scream "no" and I know it's Peeta. I look up at Snow one final time with all the hatred I have then I close my eyes, waiting for death to take me away.

I see Katniss walk out. She's dressed in all black with her gold mockingjay pin. I look over at Cinna who is clearly an Avox by the way he shakes his head at peacekeepers. The guards tie Katniss to a post and as she looks out, I can see her thinking. Snow comes out and whips her 12 times. For District 12. I make my way running to the front of the crowd. The guards untie her and stand her up. I keep running. Snow backs up and points his gun at her heart. I hear it before I see her. It's a gunshot. I watch as she falls to the ground, her eyes still open.

"NO!" I yell which draws attention to me. Tears fall from my eyes. I watch as she glares at Snow then closes her eyes. My love, my other half is gone. That's when I hold up three fingers and sing Rue's four note song. Some people join me. More and more by the second. But Katniss can't see it. She's gone. Forever.

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