Chapter 8

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I awake to find myself strapped to a chair. My wounds are covered by bandages and I know they will be almost healed by tomorrow because I'm in the Capitol. People walk in. The attach all sorts of tubes to my arms. I actually start to take note of my surroundings. There are two chairs in the room. I'm sitting and one of them and the other is facing my way. Next to me is a mahogany table (oh the irony) with a single white rose. I want to take it and crumble it up but I can't reach it. Snow comes in and sits in the chair as I continue to have more things attached to me. I stare at the ground only looking up to take note of Snow's bandaged hand because I stabbed him. I hope Peeta saw that. Peeta. I miss him so much. I can't help myself as a tear falls from my eye to the floor.

"Ready," one of the doctors says. Snow gets up and goes over to find a syringe with a liquid in it. He puts it in my neck, knowing it will cause me the most pain there. I immediately tilt my head back because of the pain. It's like my blood has turned into electricity. My eyes close as I watch every memory I've had go away. Where am I? Who am I? I watch as I watch this thing to help me understand. My name is Katniss Everdeen. I'm 17 years old. I was in the Quarter Quell where Peeta, one of my friends stabbed me in my stomach and my leg. Then Finnick who I also trusted shot me in my shoulder and my leg. I had trusted them. I was near death when the Capitol saved me. Only thanks to the generosity of President Snow am I alive today. And bread. I don't know why bread. I guess I like it. Idk. When I wake up, I find myself facing Snow. I thank him and offer him my services in any way. He says he needs me to be commander if the peacekeepers to stop the rebels. Among them are Peeta and Finnick. I say I would be honored to do. Two guards lead me up to a magnificent room. I find clothes in the closets and food at my fingertips. But right now, I am tired so I sleep.

I wake up at about 11:30 to a knock on my door. The guard says President Snow would like to see me tonight at 5. I tell the guard I will be there. Then some people come in. They say they are my prep team. They try to cover up all the scars I got from Peeta and Finnick and they make me look beautiful. They straighten my hair and it flows down past my shoulders. Then they dress me in a white gown. My makeup is amazing, with my eyeshadow a red color. My lips and my shoes are also red. I also notice that in the mirror, I have red eyes. Weird. They put the finishing touch in: a white rose in my hair. Guards escort me to a room where I see President Snow talking to a camera and I listen to his enthralling words.

I sit in a chair at the control room looking at the screen. That stupid Capitol logo. They are torturing Katniss for information that she doesn't have. Then the screen pops up. It's a close up of Snow sitting in his "throne". He starts talking.

"The rebels must be stopped. Our resources are fleeting and the people of Panem are not safe anymore. We will start sending in peacekeepers if needed. This is your chance to stop. That is why we are offering a very generous reward for Peeta, Finnick, Haymitch, Beetee, Plutarch, and Alma Coin. The person who turns these people in will be paid immediately. Thank you," Snow says. I sit there in disbelief. Now we are criminals. Sending peacekeepers? This is not good. We need to prepare for war.

It's been a week since our announcement. But no one has turned them in. President Snow said that I will be leading a group of peacekeepers to District 13. He also hands me a bow and I practice with it every day. I find I'm very good with it, but I don't know how.

It's the day of the march to 13 and I am a little nervous. I am dressed in this red armor of some sort with a white rose in the left side. I have my bow with me and red arrows in my quiver. My hair is in a braid to my side. My red eyes sparkle and people take pictures of me. After the pictures, I put my hair in a bun. I get a cape of some sorts and I am ready to go. But before I do go, President Snow puts another white rose in my hair and gives me a hug.

"Be safe," he says. I tell him I will and I march off with and army behind me.

Katniss is mine. She believes everything I tell her. She trusts me. I have to say, it is nice getting appreciation. I know my plan will never fail. She will march to 13 and kill all the people she loves. After that I will be done with her. Before I kill her, I will return her memories so she will want to die. This plan will work and nothing will stop me.

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