Chapter 6

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I know Katniss is going to turn herself in. I know she will go and possibly die. I know because I made the same choice years ago. It was to save my district. My life there was terrible but at least people lived. I think of Katniss as my sister and knowing that I made the choice doesn't make me feel any better. I do care about her. As she walks by me, she promises to save Annie for me. That is a true hero. Probably someone I could never be equal to. My throat is raw from crying so I can't say anything only nod.

I land the hovercraft right outside of the gate to the mansion. I get up and walk slowly to the step. I see hundreds of peacekeepers with Snow right at the middle. When I make it 3/4 of the way there, four peacekeepers escort me up to Snow. I look around and see a camera. I think about everyone at home watching this and a single tear comes out. I try to push that out of my mind.

"Here you are Miss Everdeen. And here I thought I was going to have to bomb the districts," he says while holding my bare arms, his fingernails digging into my skin.

"This way," he says and I turn, taking one final look at the citizens of the Capitol and all the game makers off to the side in a line. I take a final look at the outside world, probably my last look as peacekeepers escort me, following Snow. They throw me in a cell and I know the torture has begun. The mental torture. I have to wait forever for Snow to decide. I look over to see Johanna and Annie in the same cell as me. But they haven't said anything. Yet.

"You had your freedom! You were free! You could of stayed like that!" Johanna yells at me. I tell her how Snow threatened to bomb the districts.

"But I also made a promise. A promise that I would bring you two home," I say looking at Annie. She smiles at me.

"Well good luck with that. Snow is never going to let us all leave," Johanna says. I don't say anything. Annie comes over to me and whispers in my ear that she is pregnant. My eyes turn wide and I drift off to sleep thinking about how I HAVE to save her. The door to the cell opens and two peacekeepers walk in but when they reach for Annie, something clicks in my head. I lunge at them yelling! I push them out of the cell while I punch them over and over. I take one's gun and Johanna takes the other's.

"This way," I say as I lead them to the back door, shooting security cameras and guards as we go. We finally reach the door and I usher them out, me going last. I close the door behind me. We run as fast as we can.

"Where will we go?" Annie asks.

"We will go to a shop. It's owned by a lady named Tigris. She was s friend of my stylist so I got to know her. We will call for a hovercraft, a way back to 13," I say. Then I stop facing my back towards them. They keep running but they stop when they realize I stopped. I told them to go.

"I always knew I would have to stay here. But you two need to go, right now." Johanna and I finish off the line of peacekeepers, enough for me to turn and tell them messages I want them to say to people from me.

"Now go! Run! Don't look behind you," I tell them and they go. I feel relief they go. But then more peacekeepers come. I go closer to them shooting them one by one. Then my gun jams. I start hitting them with my gun. I got shot in my shoulder that brought so much pain but I kept going. I also got shot in the leg but I don't fall down. I would hit one after the other. I took one's gun when that one was jammed to. I realized they had stopped shooting so that's when I went berserk, tackling some to the ground, punching others. Then they all circle me and I'm outnumbered. They push me to my knees and then knock me out.

I like living. But not when it costs others people their lives. Katniss was telling us to go and to not look back. Her eyes met mine begging for me to go. I nodded and led Annie to the shop. But I turn back. I see Katniss's gun jam up. But then she starts hitting them one after the next. I see her get shot in the shoulder which I imagine would hurt. But she keeps going. Then she gets shot in the leg. How she doesn't fall over, I don't know. But she goes crazy tackling them, taking as many with her as she can. But they outnumber her. They surround her in a circle and one pushes her to the ground. Another one knocks her out with the end of their gun. Her head slumps down. The guard holds her up on her knees when Snow comes out. He take her chin and holds it up so he is looking face to face with her. I'm close enough I can hear what he's saying.

"My dear, you have caused me enough trouble," he says as he slaps her. I scream, which I knew was a mistake. Snow looks up at me.

"You can tell your precious rebels that Miss Everdeen will never escape," he says. I just glare at him then turn to Annie and we go to the shop.

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