Chapter 13

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I close my eyes and wait for death to take me away. But it never does. Instead I open my eyes to a little pain in my side. That's when it hits me. The padding. It's bulletproof. I get up slowly to everyone's gasps and screams. Snow looks broken. Hateful. Upset. When the guards realize I'm alive, they shoot Cinna in the head. I become so mad.

"You should of shot me in the head," I say to Snow. He looks so mad and starts shooting. I jump, do a summersault, avoiding the bullets.  While I'm laying on the ground I remember something.

You will know the time when to press it. Cinna! I stand up and press the button when I see my outfit engulfed in flames, turning into a black one of the red one I wore to District 13. I see wings spread out behind me. The gold mockingjay pin shines, blinding people. Then a bow appears in my hand and arrows on my back. Cinna. He made this happen. I start shooting guards as rebels from 13 come up and do the same. Snow starts to run away. I chase him and shoot him in the leg, making him fall.

"Get up!" I yell at him. He gets up slowly. Everyone stops and looks at me as I draw my bow towards Snow. I point it at him when a message on the screen appears. It's Coin.

"Katniss, do not shoot him. He needs to surrender," she says. That's when it hits me. She's the spy. She's working with Snow. I ignore her and let my arrow fly into the eye of Snow. Everyone gasps as he falls. The peacekeepers lower their weapons, signaling a surrender to me. I turn and face the crowd. I did it. Snow is gone. I'm free of him. I smile as Peeta comes up and hugs me.

Katniss is gone. I think of Prim. How could I tell her that I couldn't save her sister? I'm just standing there in disbelief when I see her eyes open. She looks down at he clothes. They were bulletproof! She stands up slowly and everyone around me gasps. I watch as Cinna is killed and Katniss fills with anger.

"You should of shot me in the head," Katniss says. Snow starts shooting at her and I run to the stage, with the other rebels. We start shooting guards as Katniss's outfit turns into armor and a bow appears in her hand. She starts shooting and that's when it hits me. She really is alive. I'm shooting peacekeepers left and right, when I see Katniss raise the arrow and shoot Snow in the head. I run over to her and hug her. She's alive. My Katniss is alive. Nothing can ruin this moment. I love her and she loves me.

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