Chapter 7

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I gently opened one eye as I woke up. I looked around and saw one doctor to the right of me. So I opened my left eye to see my shoulder bandaged and my leg as well. I'm really confused why they are bandaged but then I remember. I quickly close my eyes, pretending to still be asleep. Then two guards pick me up and drag me to this room. The only thing I smell is blood. And roses. But I can't open my eyes, not yet anyways. I feel my chin being lifted up and o hear President Snow talking. But I don't know what about. I can't pay attention to that right now. The only thing I think about is if Annie and Johanna made it out. I hope they did. The guards release me and I fall to the floor. Then someone picks me up and I realize it's Snow. He's standing next to me, holding me up by my arm and a guard on the other side doing the same thing. I move my fingers, but then realize they are handcuffed.

"Hello rebels of District 13. Here I have with me Katniss Everdeen who graciously turned herself in," he said. I realized we were probably talking to a camera. I had to let 13 know I was ok. So I opened my right eye and looked at the camera. This was all the signal I could give now. I realized I should start to wake up. So I open my eyes slowly and lift my head. When I realize where I am, I try to break feee. I manage to break their hold on my arms and I start to run away. But then I can't move. At all. I realize I am stuck standing but I can't move. Snow comes over and says, "Nice if you to join us. You alright there? You look like you can't move." I spit in his face which is a mistake. Guards come over and throw me across the room. Now I can move. It's only past the one spot where I can't. I get up, groaning as more guards come over and hit me in the gut. The whip me but I will not scream. Peeta can not know I'm in pain. I get thrown on the ground as they pin me to the ground and Snow comes over with a knife. I take the knife and stab his hand. Crying out in pain, he lifts me up and holds a knife to my throat.

"You gonna kill me?" I ask. Still unable to talk because if the pain, he stabs my thigh. This time I have no choice. I scream out in pain as I realize the knife has been coated with something. But before I can think about it, I am knocked out yet again.

We all sat in the control room, waiting for Snow's message. The screen shows Katniss literally being dragged in and thrown to the ground. Snow and a guard pick her up by her arms. I hear him talking but I focus on Katniss. She has got bandages on her shoulder and leg. But the thing that gets me is that she is actually awake. She opens one eye and lets us know she's ok. Then she "starts to wake up". Her head pops up and she breaks free. She's running, but then she stops. I see struggle in her eyes and I know she can't move. Snow says something to her but she just spits in his face. This angers him so she is thrown across the room. She is whipped and then thrown again. When a guard pens her to the ground, Snow walks over to her with a knife. She breaks free, takes the knife and stabs his hand. He cries out in pain and now she has the perfect opportunity to run. But she doesn't. She just lays there. Snow picks her up and holds a knife to her throat then stabs her thigh. This time I heard her pain. I feel it. She is knocked out and taken away. I can only imagine what's going to happen to her.

Sorry this chapter isn't as good. I'm having serious writer's block.

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