• | Life » Perfectly ruined

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" Please don't go away. I want you. " I was standing at the edge of the mountain with him in front of me.

The beautiful clouds, the shining sky, the cool breeze. Everything seemed romantic but the situation didn't.

" I saw you being with Leah. Don't deny it. " I glared at him.

" Yes, I was with her and I'm not denying it. But listen to me. She's just my cousin. I don't have any feelings for her. I just like her as a sister. "

" Are you serious ? "

" Yes. Believe me. I don't love her. It's-it's you whom I love. I love you Megan. "

That's it. That one word made fireworks explode in my heart. Those words that I longed for, since high school......

I stood there,still, like I lost my senses except for the feeling of thousands of butterflies hovering around me.
Really ? He like--sorry loves me??

LEE MINHO!! The freakin' hot guy from my school, my secret crush, finally loves me.

" Is this a dream? " I asked, not believing what's happening right now.

" pabo (idiot ), this isn't a dream. I really love you. "

There was no end to the fireworks......

" I love you too Minho oppa. " I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

" Megan... will you be my girlfriend ? " his voice was full of love and care. And obviously, my answer is going to be a yes.

I shyly nodded my head, which is buried in his chest. He gently kissed my hair and pulled me closer into his embrace.

" stay with me. "

" forever...... " I smiled sweetly at him and he flashed a bright smile.

" Why are you hugging my boyfriend ? " I heard a familiar voice, coming from behind.
I slowly turned back to see who it was.

" Leah ? "

" Yeah. It's me. Now tell me, why are you hugging my boyfriend ?!! " she yelled.

" Excuse me! He's not your boyfriend. He's mine now. " I said proudly, with a smirk on my face.

" When did I say that I'm your boyfriend ? " Minho oppa questioned me.

Huh?? I was....I .....

" But j-just now- " I wanted to talk but nothing came out of my mouth.

" I was just practicing how to confess my love. that's all. " he shrugged.

" Now you understand who's boyfriend he is? " Leah crossed her arms and looked at me.

" I'm done with the practice. I don't need you anymore. Goodbye. " saying he pushed me.

" Andwae !!!!!! " I shrieked as my eyes shot opened.

I woke up screaming and practically in a pool of my own sweat.

Gosh !!! What kind of a dream was that ??


Though the starting part was cool, but then , the end ?!!! Like seriously?
Great mood spoiler for today. Ugh !!!!

My sixth sense was telling me that something's wrong, so I asked if it was a dream while dreaming, because LEE MINHO  confessed a dumbass like me. And I was right about it !

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