I don't know

226 27 43

" ahhh " I plopped onto the couch, stretching my arms and cracking my fingers.

" So, how was your day? " my mom asked, while washing the dishes.

" Great. " I nodded.

" What made it so great ? " she asked again, wiping her hands with the napkin hung on the door.

" I don't know. It-it was just great. " I shrugged.

" Here, eat this. " she placed a packet full of French fries in front of me.

" Yum. ! " I dipped it in the whipping cream and started eating.

you already know that chocolate is my weakness. So basically food is my weakness. Food is like a drug to me. And watching kdramas is my hobby. Besides that, eating is also one of my hobby. Yes, trust me ! It is a hobby. Hehe

" Stop eating like a pig, pig. " my brother smacked my head , grabbing the packet with his other hand.

" you!!! That's mine. " I licked my fingers which had the leftover cream and got up from the couch to grab the packet back.

" You're already fat and if you eat this—  "

" STOP !! " I screamed.

I cut him off before he could tell anything. I know what he's going to say. I'm already used to it. But you know, calling me a pig,  every single time when he takes my name is disgusting.

I chased him down the stairs.

He was running too fast for me to be able to catch him. I stopped for a minute to breathe. At times like these I regret eating too much !
Note : I eat too much, but I'm not fat okay. In fact I'm in  perfect shape. Just my brother teases me that I'm fat.
You know,
annoying brothers  -_- !!

He ran towards the couch and sat on it, while munching on MY fries ㅜ_ㅜ

" Hey you ugly looking guy, why did you steal my fries ? " I sat beside him, grabbing some fries from him, while he was still holding it.

" Is your name written on that (the fries) ? " he rolled his eyes.

" Then, is your name written? " I mocked him.

" Yes it is. " he chuckled.

" Why don't you show it to me then ? "

" Look... " he placed the packet in front of me.

I was so dumb, I started to search for his name.

" Found it ? " he asked. I shook my head and looked at him .

at that instant... " Now look for my name. " he smacked whipping cream on my precious face.


" Mommy~~~~ " I fake cried.

" W-What happened? " my mom came running down the staircase.

" Look what this ugly ass did to me. " I cried.

"  Eric what's wrong with you? Why did you do that to her ?? " my mom screamed at my bro while I chuckled silently.
" and you" she turned facing me. " learn to respect your brother. " she yelled at me more, than she yelled at him.


My bro was coolly sipping the juice. He laughed at me when I looked at him.

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