Strange » Scary

184 27 49

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard the sound of the door knob turning. Not brag about it but I think I have perfect sense of hearing. I can clearly hear the sound of the slightest movement also.

I got down the bed and walked to the white door in front. I was still sleepy. I twisted the knob but it didn't open. I turned it again but no use. I think it's locked from outside.
Maybe my mom locked it. I didn't bother about it. I walked back to my bed and slept on it.

The blanked with which I covered myself was really warm. I felt a little uncomfortable so pulled it off me. I snuggled into the pillow which was right beside me.
But then I felt something cool falling on me. Water droplets ?

My roof is completely fine. There's no leakage.

I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them. I lifted my face just to see a boy standing right in front of me. Water from his wet hair was dripping on my face.

" Aaaahhhhhhhhh " I screamed. But he shut my mouth, placing his hand on it.

" Stop screaming. " he whisper yelled. I immediately shut my mouth.

I sat on the bed and looked at him. My jaw dropped down to the floor.
He was dripping wet, wearing only a towel around his waist. I could clearly see his perfectly defined abs.

*gulp* *gulp*

I scanned him from head to toe.

He was smoking hot.

" Stop staring at me. " he said , running his hands through his hair. Whoa. I'm lying if I say that he didn't look sexy.

I immediately averted my eyes from him. It was difficult though. But I looked at him again.

" How did you come to my room ?? " I asked him.
He just looked me weirdly.
I didn't understand why.

He :






I blankly stared at him.
then I looked all around the room.

Realisation hit me hard.

" uhhh, I mean, H-How did I come to y-your room?? " I asked him realising that I was in his room.

" I don't know. I went to take a shower and found you here when I came out. " he said.
I mouthed an ' O '

" And HOW THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE LAST NIGHT?? You locked the room from inside and you don't know how much I struggled to OPEN IT. " he shouted.
He sounded annoyed.
I thought he was hot but now I realised that he's hot because he was already fuming with anger.

I don't know why but I feel like he hates seeing me. It's like I did something wrong to him.

Tears streamed in my eyes. I again bit my bottom lip, to prevent myself from crying. Lots of biting lips today.

" I-I don't know. " l said, controlling my tears.

" You don't know anything!!! You don't know how you came here, you don't know how you leave. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. " he shouted again.

That's it. I couldn't control myself any more and burst out crying.

I cried more thinking about Kevin. I thought about all the moments that made me sad, and cried more and more.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry. " he sat next to me.
I kept crying.

" I really didn't mean to shout at you. I'm sorry. " he patted my shoulder .

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