Turning point

151 23 36

A/N : The title may or may not be related to the content of this chapter.

Once again and as usual I heard the door knob turning.
I fell asleep? Again? Ughhh! I don't know when I'm gonna sleep with my intention, like, with me knowing that I'm going to sleep the next minute.

I slowly opened my eyes when the bright light from the tube light directly hit my face.

" Megan?? Wake up ! " I heard someone shouting out my name.

I crossed my fingers. Hope that I'm back to my room. please.....

" Aren't you gonna wake up? " All my hopes shattered when I heard that familiar voice.

Jungkook !

Now I was sure I was still in their house.

I slowly got up and sat back on the floor. I was shocked when I realised that I was SLEEPING ON THE FREEZING FLOOR !!
DID I LOSE MY SENSES? How could I even sit on that floor? Like really?!!

" What the hell is this ? " it was none other than Jungkook, picking up on me like always.

" What did I do now? " I groaned.

" What did you do? Huh! OPEN YOUR EYES YOU LAZY HEAD AND LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE! " He shouted.

I was scared and shot open my eyes when he shouted on top of his voice. I looked all around the room and started smiling sheepishly but my heart was hurt when he shouted at me for such a smalllllll thing.

Ok, that wasn't a small thing though!

" Jungkook, calm down. This isn't a big problem okay! " J-Hope took my side.
Angel 😭😭

" Hyung — "

" Don't always shout at her Jungkook. She's still a kid " Namjoon cut him of.

" Kid ?!!! You think she's a kid? " Jungkook exclaimed.

" She's 18 and according to me 18 years old is also a kid. Ok? " Namjoon shut him.

" She's not 18 Hyung. " Jungkook scoffed.

" She is, my dear. " Namjoon stuck to his words.

I shifted my eyes from Jungkook to Namjoon then to Jungkook to Namjoon and to Jungkook listening to them having a debate on my age. Uhh... my head is aching now.

" She's too old for 18 hyung. "

What? TOO OLD FOR EIGHTEEN !!! Jungkook !!!

" Jungkook, she is 18 and no more discussions on that. "

" No hyung. She herself told me that she's 22. " Jungkook finally said what I told him
the other day.

Everyone were silent.

Why did I even lie about my age?

Now everyone's eyes shifted to me. 

" Are you 22? " Jimin asked.

My head moved left and right and up and down, as if I didn't know how old I am.

" Is that a yes or a no? " asked Jin.

" N-No " I shuddered.

" NO ???? " I expected who that was.

" I'm not 22 Jungkook. " I finally told him the truth.

" Then last night why did you tell that you were two years older than me? " he questioned.

I sighed. I really don't know why I lied.

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