💔 No one believes me

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A/N : The author's note at the end is important. Wait. Don't scroll down now to look at it.Chill. Read this chapter and then you'll find it at the end 😛


I found myself lying unconscious on the road beside a black car. The street was dully lit with the oranged coloured lights. There were very few people.
I walked a few centimetres and that was when I realised I was in a familiar place. Really familiar.

Whut? Wait... it's my place.


I'm back? I'm back?? Am I? Really? Am I really back to my place? Reallyyyy? Or am I dreaming again?

I immediately walked into the small store that was infont of me.

" Uncle " I hesitantly called.

The person turned to me. I know him because I frequently come to this shop and that is why I called him.

" Megan??? " he was surprised to see me. Why? Do I really look like a potato??

I blinked and simply stared at him.

" Oh my God Megan! where have you been? We couldn't find you. Your family is worried about you. " he said.

Why worried? I was here onl— I wasn't here sh*tt ! I was in that scary world.

What should I tell them?
I went to South Korea? For one day?? Hmm...If I tell that they'll immediately take me to the nearest mental hospital.


I'll tell him that I'm kidnapped. But whom should I blame for that?

Ok I decided.

" Megannn !!! You here?? " he waved his hands in front of me.

" y-yes "

" First let me take you back to your home. "

" That's fine uncle. My house is just few blocks away. I'll go by myself. " I faintly smiled.

" No. Not after all this disappearing thing. I'll come along with you." He worriedly said.

" I'll be fine uncle. Don't worry. " I assured.

" hmm... if you say so. But call me when you reach there okay? " I nodded and walked to my house.

I stood in front of the gate, admiring my sweet home. MY HOME. The warmth of this place was relaxing.

I opened the gate and entered.

The first thing that caught my eye was a police car.

" We tried in all the possible ways. Your daughter is no where to be found. And there's no cctv evidence that she left the house that night. " the cop said.

" I just want my daughter back. Use all your sources and search for her. If it is related to money then I'm going to pay how much ever you want. " my mom being my mom, always stubborn, not bothering other person's problem.

" I want my daughter back. That's all. " she yelled.

Mommy~~~ ! She's so sweet. She's hella worried about me. I love her T_T <3

" M-Mom " I sniffed. She didn't give a damn. Sorry she didn't hear me.

" Mommmmmm " this time I called her out louder than before.

" Meg-Megan !!! " mom came running towards me. I hugged her back when she hugged me.

" Where were you honey? Where did you go? Are you hurt anywhere? " she asked me continuously, examining my face and my body.

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