• || It hurts •

157 23 51

" You are mine,
since the day I met you "

-   J.Jk

——— ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ ———

" Nooooooo " I screamed and shot opened my eyes. I was sweating profusely and my heart beat was racing.

God! What a horrible dream, so vivid and so real.

I wasn't scared.

Nightmares have become a routine in my life. All these days Olivia took care of me but now that I'm alone in this closed room with only one closed window at the corner, scares me a bit.
My throat was dry and sore. I wanted to pacify myself with a glass of water so I got down from the bed and walked to the kitchen.

" You love me right? " I stopped when I heard a female voice.

" Oppa, I love you. " I heard the voice again.

The only female besides me in this house is Hye Rin. Sooo.... that voice belongs to Hye Rin?

But whom is she talking to???

I was curious to know who that was so I tiptoed and slowly peeped into the kitchen, from behind the wall. My heart felt weak when I saw Jungkook in that position.
He was trapped between the kitchen counter and Hye Rin !!

Hye Rin slowly traced his strong jawline with her tender finger and moved closer to him, filling the whatever gap left between them. I have to mention, they both were dangerously close. A slight movement is enough for their lips to connect.

Disgusting !!!

I thought I was the only girl who kissed him but no. He's a playboy. He was just playing with me and my feelings.

I felt quite shaky and fragile, like my balance was off, and I couldn't feel the inside of my body, just my skin. I balled my fist and swallowed the lump formed in my throat. Donno for what reason, I feel betrayed.

" Megan !! " I noticed Namjoon standing in front of me.

" What are y— " before he could say anything I covered his mouth with my hand and pulled him to a corner. I panicked thinking that Jungkook might have heard him.

" What are you doing here? " Namjoon whispered.

" shhh " I placed a finger on his lips and asked me be stay quiet. Namjoon simply nodded.

A moment later I realised....

He and I were so close in this little space that I could clearly hear his heart beat. The situation was awkward. Neither he spoke anything nor did I. I gulped and lifted my head to look at him. Our eyes met. The slight twinkle in his eyes was mesmerising. I couldn't help but stare back at his twinkling eyes.

All at once he grabbed my hand with his and placed it on his chest. Till now I could only hear his heart beat, but this time, I could feel it.
Abnormal. Fast. Too fast. Normal. Abnormal.

It's was just like how my heart beats when I'm with Jungkook.




I don't know why Namjoon is doing this.

" Can you feel it ? " he asked pointing out the left side of his chest.

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