Broken 💔

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A/N: The next part is the continuation of this one. I didn't want the chapter to be too long, so I divided it into two.


My watery eyes were exceeding and the hairs on hand bristled. A throng of goosebumps coated my not so tanned skin.

15 missed calls !!!!

Wha-What the flower????

Was that really a dream ? Or it really happened????

I tried to breathe in and out but little air was entering my lungs. My heart was thumping harder than usual when I finally realised that something strange and something unusual has happened with me.

I fumbled with the covers and stumbled to the bathroom. After emptying my bladder and flushing the toilet, I checked my reflection in the mirror.

What's happening ?? How can something like that happen ?? I was so confused that I doubt if I'm still dreaming.

Washing my hands, I switched off the bathroom lights and walked to my bed.
I checked the time. It was 8:30 am.

Everything can change except for me going late to school. I went downstairs and greeted my mom.

" I've never seen you wearing that t-shirt. " was the first the my mom said as soon as she saw me.

I looked down at myself.
I realised I was wearing a black t-shirt !!! The one that Jungkook gave me.
So that means... it wasn't a dream ?
Then what the hell did just happen with me??????

" You never saw me wearing because I never wore it before." I shrugged off.
I tried to be funny but what's the use? I'm still not able to believe what has actually happened.

I took a quick shower and got ready to school.

" Bye mommy." I bid her a goodbye.

Even though it was Sunday I had to go to school because I got a message that we'll be having some special classes. Good, I can try to divert my mind from that strange thing. I'll just consider it as a nightmare.

I hailed a taxi and went to school. I feel so pathetic right now that I can't even take a step forward. I feel lifeless.


I stood at my locker, taking the books that I need for the first class when someone tapped my shoulder. I flinched with this sudden touch and turned back. It was Raelyn, my other best friend besides Olivia.

" Oh God !! You scared me. " I yelled.
I wasn't actually scared because nothing is more scarier than what happened last night.

" I just tapped your shoulder. Why are you acting like I stabbed you ? " she pouted.

" because— " I was cut off by a familiar voice.

" Hey there " Kevin waved. I waved back at him and blushed. Just the sight of him makes me blush like an idiot.

My heart started racing when he walked towards us. Oh poor heart. Calm down.

Kevin is a very special friend of mine. More like a person whom I love? No, not exactly love but like. I like him. I realised that I like him when I was in middle school, in the same class as his. He is my first ever crush. That is why I blush whenever he's around me. But he never noticed that. Even by mistake, yes by mistake he saw me blushing he used to shrug it off thinking that he was just seeing things. You know the reason?

I'm not actually a girly person. I'm a tomboy. Kevin always treated me like a guy friend but never once considered me as a girl. So, even if I act girly girly, he's never gonna notice me.
Time waste.

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