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I sat on the bed, fiddling with my fingers and nervously taping my feet.

Life is having fun with me. It doesn't know how pathetic I feel now. Things happening with me don't make any sense at all.

Everyday I think of the same thing.

What the actual fuck is wrong with my life? What exactly is happening to me? Even though I act cool, I still fear of everything, everything that is happening right now.

I'm scared.


I don't have any idea about this damn thing!!

I wish this to be a nightmare and nothing more than that. A nightmare to be forgotten and a nightmare that no one will ever dare to dream about.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone knocking the door.

" Are you done?" asked the voice. I know that was Jungkook.

I didn't budge. I sat there like a lifeless being with no strength left in it. The existing fear in me took over my strength.

" Are you there?" I heard again. " Megan, I'm opening the door. Don't sue me later ok?" he said and slightly opened the door. He glanced at me for a second and then barged into the room.

" I thought you already left to your so called 'unknown' place." he chuckled and sat beside me.

I turned to my left and gave him a 'that's-not-funny' look and again stared back at the floor.

This is so not me. I'm a crazy girl who never shuts her mouth even for a second. I keep on blabbering things, and the people around me get fed up of my unstoppable chatters. I was never a silent kid.

But now,
the situation changed me.

I gripped his pyjamas that I was wearing and my hand started sweating. I remained silent.

Right now silence is the only answer that I know.

" Megan, what are you thinking ?" he placed his hand on mine, and held it with care.

I didn't reply.

" Let me tell you one thing" he started, grabbing my attention. Even at that point I remained quiet and calmly listened to him

" Trust me."  His grip on my hand was getting tighter. It's like he wanted to covey that whatever he's going to tell now is important and I need to listen to him.

" I don't how horrifying it is for you to come here all of a sudden, but remember everything is for your own good. Just wait and see why this is happening." his words were comforting.

I slowly turned to face him. I blinked twice when I caught his beautiful brown orbs looking at me with concern.

" Special people are treated specially." he reminded me.

I lowered my head thinking about what he just told.

He was partly correct and partly wrong.

Yes. It is horrifying. It is insane.

But not special.

I don't want to be treated in this kind of special way. All I want is to go back to my room, hug my mom, fight with my brother, chitchat with my friends, and have a normal life.

I don't want to be treated special.

" Look here." he called me and I obeyed him.
This time I stared deep into his eyes.

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