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" Only destiny has the power to separate us "

- J.Jk

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There was a pile of clothes on the bed and I started to search for my favourite colour.

I picked it up and changed into it.

I stood in front of the mirror, totally awestruck with the dress I chose.

It fit flawlessly. The dress molded my torso beautifully, complimenting my feminine shape. The gown draped past my toes, slightly drifting from my legs. It was completely black, beautifully beaded with pearls. It's strapless style revealed my collarbones wrapped in my smooth skin.

I admit it for the first time. I really am beautiful.

But something was missing.

My face was pale and there no glow. I'm not a makeup loving person but now I really need to put on some makeup.

But how? I don't know how to use a make up kit!

I walked to the door and called Taehyung. He heard me calling him from inside and knocked on the door indicating that he was here now.

" I look ugly. " I cried from inside.

" Let me see." he said and asked me to open the door.  Without any hesitation I opened the door and let him in.

He looked at me briefly and started examining my face, my hair and the dress I chose.

" You are right. " he laughed.


When I tell someone that I look ugly, I expect a " no, you're not. You look beautiful" kind of reply from that person.
But Taehyung?! Aaahhh

" You can't be so mean TaeTae. " I cried and playfully hit his arm.

" just joking. You look beautiful. But your face needs a touch up. " he said.

" I know right... " I pouted. " but I don't know how to put on makeup." I said.

" don't worry. We have our makeup artist here. Leave that to her." Tae assured.

" awww..thanks Tae. I love you. " I said as I hugged him. " you're my saviour "

" cool.cool. Get ready soon. Everyone is waiting to see the colour you chose. " he ruffled my hair and I smiled at him. He left the room and locked the door behind him.

The makeup artist came in within minutes and started with the basics. There were so many cosmetics in front of me and I didn't know which is what.
All looked the same but they were different. I knew that they are different only after her telling me.
I closed my eyes, leaving the rest to the makeup artist.

" done! " she said and I opened my eyes.

" I-I look so beautiful. " I was shocked.

The makeup was simple, classic, sophisticated, chic, and definitely me !

I never knew that I could surprise myself. Where exactly did I hide this beautiful person?!!

All thanks to Kevin, who never made me realise my beauty for the past 7 years. That asshole -_-'

I took a deep breath before opening the door. I was excited to see their expressions. I'm curious to know if they will tell me that I look beautiful or just "compliment" like how Tae did.

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