Where am I ??

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" THIS ISN'T MY ROOM. " I gasped.

I saw light flashing from a window beside me. I removed the blanket that covered me and placed it on the floor. I slowly walked towards the window. My heart stopped for a second when I found that I was at some height. I mean, I'm in a building/apartment or something like that.
Why am I h-here?
I turned left, from where I could hear laughter. Even though the door was closed, the laughter was very loud. That laughter scared the hell out of me, 'cause it sounded like the typical gangsters laugh.

Are they demons? Am I dead ?

No I have a long way to live.


What if I'm kidnapped? and the people who are laughing are the kidnappers?
Aahhh... what's happening ?!!!

I gulped when I heard the sound of the door knob turning.

The door opened......
I panicked.

A tall figure stood in front of me.
I couldn't see his face because of the blinding light from the room, that spread into the darkness. I can tell that's 'he' because ...
Ehh common I'm a girl, and I can differentiate between he and she duh !!

He stared at me for a while.
Here starts the staring game. I never really experienced defeat. So, I stared at him too.
Even though I cannot see his face, even though I couldn't look into his eyes, I continued to stare at him. Yes, believe me. I can stare without seeing the person.
I'm stupid, I know.

My eyes were hurting.

How long is this tall figure going to stare at me?

I slowly shifted my eyes, scanning myself. I was standing there, half naked. yeah, half naked because, I was just wearing a crop top and a short shorts.

I screamed and immediately covered my eyes.

Crazy ?!!! What am I doing ? I should cover my body not eyes. I cursed my self.

I remember.... I had a blanket right.
I turned around to take the blanket but......

It was gone.
But-But..... I just left it behind me when I walked to the window!!
I was about to scream again but that guy covered my mouth with his bare hands and pulled me inside the room.

" Mmm.... mphmmmm " I muffled. I jerked the guy holding me and stepped back.

I thought it was only one guy.
But there stood 5 more handsome people, right in front of me. Handsome ?? No wait. They might be kidnappers. !!
I'll change it to handsome kidnappers.

I backed away from them.

" nugu seyo ?? " a guy with blue hair spoke.

Eh ??.

" Ottoeke ?? " another guy, who kinda looked like handsome alien said.

Oh God !!! What are they even speaking?? Which language is this? Not a single word I understand.

I remained silent and looked at them confused. Then I heard flushing sound from the toilet.
A tall guy with wheat brown coloured hair came out.

So...... they are 7 .

" blah blah blah blahhhhhh ------" he was speaking in the same language but stopped when he saw me.
" Nuguseyo ? " he asked me. I heard this. It's the same question which the blue haired guy asked.

" Hyung..... blah blah blah blah (same language) " the guy who brought me inside spoke.

Wait !..........
Hyung ??
I heard this word somewhere.
But where?

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