★ Truth

161 19 71

" Fate has never once favoured us "

- J.Jk

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A/N : The quotations at the top are important lol. Don't skip them (they might be stupid but still don't ignore it.)
Credit: @MyLove_Jungkook (self appreciation/promotion 😅)


Jungkook's POV :-

" ireonaaaaa " I abruptly woke up when Taehyung screamed into my ears.

I yawned before getting up and stretched my arms. Today is gonna to be the most important day.

I'm going get everything clarified.

After completing my morning rituals I went straight to Namjoon's room where Megan is sleeping. I hesitantly knocked on the door twice but she didn't open. I stood there for 10 more minutes waiting her to open the door.

Testing my patience isn't good. I immediately turned the door knob and guess what. It wasn't locked.
So I just wasted my precious 10 minutes for her to open this unlocked door??

I slowly opened the door and peeped in.

I gulped when I saw her perfect figure from behind. She had her black crop top on with those tempting short shorts. Long, dark hair hung loose and dripping around her shoulders.... she looked sexy..

Wild thoughts ran through my mind....

I shooed them away and tiptoed into the room.

" Good morning " I greeted as I snaked my arms around her exposed waist. She flicked with the sudden touch of my cold hands.

" What are you doing Jungkook? " she tried to release herself from my embrace but I tightly held on to her.

" We need to talk to you. " I said.

" We? "

" Yes. Come to the living room when you are done. We'll be waiting there. " I said and kissed her cheeks.

" I can, but only when you stop hugging me. " she elbowed me in the stomach.

Ouch!!!! She's strong...ahhhhh

" Now just get out. " she turned back and pushed me out of the room.

I chuckled at her rude yet cute self and went back to the living room.

Everyone was ready to tell her the truth. Apart from Hye Rin and Megan, everyone else knows what to explain.

I sat next to Suga and waited for her to come.

" Good morning, Megan " Jimin and then the others greeted her. Oh well, I already greeted her in my way though ! ~_~

" Good morning " she greeted them back and comfortably sat next to Namjoon.




" So what you guys wanted talk about? " she asked us.

" We need to tell you something really very important. "Namjoon crossed his arms maintaining a serious gaze.

" hmm " she just nodded her head, waiting for our explanation.

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