change my mind

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Me and Lucy headed up to Biology, unfortunately we were in separate classes for this class and most of the people here are never really focused on the actual subject, half the girls just want to sit and try to get the boys attention and the teacher basically turns up late most of the time which is pathetic. "Yo Katie what you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing how come?"

"fancy coming to my party this weekend, I'm inviting Lucy too" I took one look after he said he was inviting Lucy, this really isn't a good idea especially whilst she is going through such a tough time with her grandma. But then again it could also be the best thing for her, get her out and about having fun with friends and meeting new people. "Sure, We'll be there "

"Great I'll see you's two at my place for 9 o'clock on Saturday" I smiled and turned back round to my textbook because I seem to be the only person in this class who actually cares about exams. 

I walked into second period, Maths, I saw Lucy sitting at our desk as happy as ever "SO did you get invited to the party this weekend?"

"Of course I did Lucy and why would I pass up an opportunity to see you drunk as fuck all over again because you are hilarious" She giggled and smiled at me, I was glad that this was already starting to take her mind off things. "Right class are you ready?" We sighed and opened our textbooks ready for the page number and the next hour full of hell. 

The bell finally went for break time and we packed our things up as quick as we could and left that dreadful room, we made our way to the sixth year area (In Scotland you have 6 years in high school and you can choose to leave at the end of fourth year, and in sixth year the seniors basically get their own little seating area to have their lunches and coffees and stuff like that) We chose a pair of soft seats that were together and grabbed a quick coffee, "Hey Katie" I looked up to see John, I didn't have to take one look at Lucy to know she was already smiling her head off "oh sorry hi Lucy" 

"Hi John how was your travels abroad?"

"They were good, as you can see I tanned pretty well how was you summer holidays Katie?"

"Um they were okay I guess, busy with work and looking after Ross a lot so Chris can do a lot of over time" 

"And Lucy what about you?"

"Hmm?" I coughed a little towards Lucy hinting that he was asking her about her summer break, since she was spending most of her time staring at him "Oh yeah um it was okay just went to Glasgow to visit some family that was all" 

"Good, good so Katie are you going to Gregg's party this weekend?"

"We sure are, we will probs show up about 30 minutes after the kick off time" 

"right well I shall be looking to getting drunk with you ladies this weekend, I'll see you in next period though Katie?"

"yeah obviously, wouldn't miss chemistry for the world John" He smiled at me and Lucy and then headed off towards his lads, Lucy's face however was just straight as can be "What Lucy?"

"I don't know, Katie something feels really odd with him, like he was looking at you differently than normal?"

"How so?"

"I dont know, he used to look at you normally now, it looks like he has another thing on his mind about you guys"

"Lucy don't worry I would never think of that boy in that way" her head dipped which obviously meant she didn't believe a word that I said "You might not think of him Katie, but he might think of you like that at some point, I mean look at you, you are the definition of beauty, with you being all pure and quiet and all" I sighed and shook my head, I was sad that Lucy was getting upset with me over something as petty as this. "listen Lucy, I want you to understand that I will never, ever go there with John, Do you wanna know why?" she shook her head looking at me shyly "Because you Lucy, my bestfriend, you like him and my best friend is more of a priority than some boy" 

"Aw Katie I love you so much!" 

"I love you too Lucy, Now come on we best go towards the science department for third period" 

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