I would

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I took a deep gasp as I opened my eyes, I jolted up from a bed and quickly looked around the room. I'm in a hospital? what happened?.... oh shit I had a panic attack, I haven't had one in months and I thought I was getting better but I guess not since I'm waking up in the hospital "Hey you" I turned my attention to Niall standing in the door way to my room, I slouched down in my bed not wanting to acknowledging him at all "Katie we have to speak sometime" I shock my head, as I could feel my pulse raising and my chest starting to rise quickly "Look Katie, I know I'm the reason that your whole life as changed but I don't want you to hate me forever" 

"Yeah I get that Niall but you also have to understand I need to process that all and accept that, you can't force me to engage in conversation with you"

"I know, Katie and I'm so sorry I really am" I didn't want to look at Niall for one more second, I was still really mad at him, he's changed my entire life and probably for the worse "You had no idea how much I've planned ahead for my future Niall and now it's completely gone to shit"

"Can I ask what you had planned?"

"I planned to sit my advanced highers and then go on to university and get then get a job" 

"What did you want to do?"

"I wanted to go on and study Photography, music or biology" 

"Im sure we could possibly help you with that?"


"You could still take your exams but just from a hotel room and we'd get you someone that'll watch over you and then send your exams back to Scotland for you"


"Yeah, we can get you like online classes to keep up with stuff back home and some books" 

"Niall that would be the best thing in the world and I would feel a lot better having structure" I gave a small smile "I'm still mad at you though Niall so don't expect us to be best buddies anytime soon" 

"At least we are finally speaking though so I'll take that for now and I'll speak to some people about your classes" I simply nodded at Niall as he headed away, I still hadn't seen or spoken to Harry yet and I was extremely nervous. I heard a knock at the door to see Louis leaning against the door "Hey sexy, how ya feeling?" 

"I'm feeling better"

"You honestly gave us all a massive fright Katie, I was really worried about you, what happened?"

"Ohh umm... well..I suffer from server anxiety" 

"oh god Katie, was that a panic attack?"


"Was it because you were really over whelmed?"

"I think so"

"Can I ask how long you've been diagnosed with it?"

"six years unfortunately"

"The doctors were doing an over all health examination Katie and they've found several scars and even bruising along your ribs, Katie whats been happening back home? were you getting bullied in school?"

"Not exactly"


"It doesn't matter...I-I..Cant I'm sorry"

"it's okay, I just hope it has nothing to do with your brother, who has been constantly trying to get ahold of you" my eyes widened in shock, shit I'm not in my normal clothes, they've not managed to get into my phone but they can still see my messages on my front screen. My head dropped slightly "Right? he better not have anything to do with it Katie!" I stayed silent, I didn't know how to defend him "He-he doesn't mean to"

"KATIE!" I look up to see Louis standing extremely close to me, his hands on mine and his blue eyes staring into mine, my heart started to race "how often has he hurt you and for how long?" I still couldn't answer him, words wanted to leave my mouth but I was starting to get frightened on Louis "Katie, I'm serious don't make me force you to answer"

"How would you do that?"

"Like this.." His eyes stared at him "How long has he been doing this Katie?" and just like that he some how took away my free will because I answered his question "This has been happening ever since the accident that me and my parents were involved with, my parents died but I survived and my older brother Chris has blamed me ever since and has been taking his grief out on me for three years now" my eyes widened and I pulled my hands away from Louis, shocked and frightened on how I answered him without wanting to "How did you do that?"

"It's called compulsion Katie, I can look into your eyes and all I have to do is ask you, but.." he pulled out a bracelet from his pocket, and I saw his hand burning from the touch, it must've had some type of poison to him "this bracelet contains a special herb that is toxic to vampires and can stop compulsion from happening, so I want you to wear this at all times so you can feel safe and protected" I watched him place it on my wrist, it was actually a pretty cute bracelet, I looked up to Louis' face and smiled "Thank you Louis, I'm sorry if I've stopped yous from doing anything for the tour" 

"It's fine we got some rehearsing done this morning while you were asleep and Dom watched over you just in case you woke up" Another knock was heard at the door and we both Looked to see Liam who had a small smile on his face "Hey Katie how ya feeling?"

"A little better thanks Liam"

"I've got some good news, they are gonna let you leave tomorrow they just need to properly look at the bruises on your ribs, they are a little worried about that and so am I" I looked at Louis who sighed and turned to Liam "It was her brother, he's been abusing her for years Liam so it wouldn't surprise if they tell us there is some server damage done to her ribs" Liam's fist tightened with anger "He what?"

"Mate please not now Katie is pretty shaken up and almost refused to tell me so please don't do anything right now" 

"Katie I'm sorry, I'm getting the doctors now though, I need to know how serious these are" and just like that Liam disappeared, These boys have only known me for like one day and they are already freaking out about my well being. Louis stayed in the door way acting as though he had done something himself "Are you okay Louis?"

"I'm the one who un-dressed you Katie and saw everything" my eyes widened, no wonder why he was so scared to come anywhere near me, he didn't want to hurt me anymore than what they already have done "But I want you to know that we would never do anything like that to you, ever" I smiled, Louis stepped closer to me and decided to take a breath step and come to my bed and sit beside me "I"m never going to let anyone hurt you ever again" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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