Live while we're young

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Friday night went by really quickly, it mostly consisted of John and Ross playing silly little games but then one game really got my confused. 

*Flashback to last night* 

Ross wanted to play mummy and daddy, meaning me and John had to pretend that we love each other and that Ross was our little baby, why he wanted to play this I was unaware off. "Come on pweas big sissy just give Johnny a kiss! it's what mummy's and daddy's do all the time" 

"I know John but the thing is mummy's and daddy's only kiss when they love each other and you can't pretend to love somebody" his face grew with confusion and concern, he stood up and grabbed my hand "Well I know Johnny loves you sissy I can see it!" 

"how so little one?"

"Because of the way he looks at you" 

*End of flashback* 

I kept staring at the ceiling once I woke up, the dream constantly playing over and over again. Just the look on John's face still really confuses me, it was utter shock  as though what Ross was saying was true and he just didn't say anything, thank god that Chris and Joanna walked in to the house at that very moment but it meant that John rushed out of the house pretty quickly and Chris having a go at me thinking something had gone horribly wrong. my attention changed towards my which was going off constantly, I picked it up with a very mono toned voice not meaning too but I had very little emotion "hello?"

"Katie its me!"

"Oh hey Lucy whats up?"

"Um when are you coming to mine?" I turned to look at my clock on my iPad and it read 14:45 I rolled my eyes, Lucy tends to take forever to get ready for parties it usually included, spending hours doing her makeup and hair and then dancing around and ordering pizza to have for dinner even though the party didn't started till the evening which was pretty standard Lucy was always I guess fashionably late but thats the price you pay when all you wanna do is jump around for hours without actually getting ready.  "Um I'll grab my stuff and I'll head over in 10 minutes"

"Okay remember to bring your drink stash underneath your bed!" 

"I will don't worry" she giggled and then hanged up the phone, I was staring to question myself for if I really wanted to go or not, but I know either way that Lucy will drag me and make me go. I knocked on her door to be greeted by her dad "Oh hi Katie, Lucy's just up stairs" I smiled and walked through the entrance and headed up stairs to her room, slowly opening the door I could hear Lucy on the phone to someone "So we are gonna be a few minutes late are you gonna pick us two up?"

"Uh yeah I can do, I'll probs be late too" John? why is he phoning Lucy? I'm so confused the Quine could hardly even speak to him few days ago and now they are on more common speaking ground and is even arranging for him to pick us up. 

"sweet well me and Katie will see you later on" and with that I heard the call end, I open the door wider and smiled at Lucy as I entered her room "oh hey Katie" I decided to try and play dumb a little bit and see what Lucy would say "hey who was that on the phone?" 

"Oh um that was John sorry, was just arranging for him to come and pick us and then I asked if you could stay at mine instead of having to stay at his, cause I thought it would be awkward" I just stared at her, how did she know?....John must've told her that my brother arranged for that yesterday. I don't like whats going on but I'm going to make sure that something doesn't happen tonight otherwise shit could go down. Getting ready Lucy was very hyper, considering she had started with some drinks, we ordered some dominos and then just took our time getting ready, I was going to be wearing a red dress, black shoes a leather jacket. I applied my makeup, my contour done with warm colours and a red lip with a golden half cut crease smoky eye, smiling impressed with my finished product Lucy helped me with curling my hair "you look stunning Katie I honestly can't wait to see all the guy's faces when we walk through those doors" I smiled and giggled in response "Obviously Lucy, because thats what I care about" 

"John told me that you bumped into someone last night?"

"Oh yeah Niall, I don't think he'll be coming since he seems really new to town or was maybe just visiting" 

"Well if that was the case how come he was far from the centre and just wondered off just like that? was he by himself?"

"yeah he was" 

"Hmm strange well you never know" I just smiled at her getting excited for the night ahead, when suddenly my phone went off, it was a tweet directed at me 

Niall Horan - "Thanks to @Katie_101 for directing me back to my hotel shall have to repay you sometime soon"  

I turned to Lucy confused, "Who's Niall Horan?"

"You seriously don't know who he is?"


"Search one direction on your phone Katie, I swear I don't stop speaking about him" I searched them up and sure enough there he was, I was shocked like why were they here? just for a little get away from the big city or were they here for something else? "Hmmm I wonder why he's here?"

"I don't know, I mean they are on tour so hopefully this doesn't get in the way" after we finished getting ready we waited for John to arrive when I heard my phone go off, it read as 'direct message from Niall Horan' I frowned but opened my phone curious as to see why he was messaging me "Hey, did you see the tweet?" 

"Yeah, I did, just didn't know how to respond to thee Niall Horan from one direction" 

"aha so you know?"

"yeah well my friend Lucy told me, otherwise I wouldn't have known" 

"Oh right well what are you up to tonight? hitting the town?"

"No, I'm going to a house party at one of the boy's from school house" 

"Nice well I shall message later miss Katie, goodbye for now" I locked my phone and turned my attention to Lucy who was quickly grabbing her shoes and rushing down the stairs "John's here come on lets go!" I opened the front door to see John or dressed and ready in the drivers seat, his eyes widened and I turned back to see Lucy and smiled knowing he was looking at her "Shotgun the front seat! you're in the back Katie!" I just smiled and got into the back seat, placing my bag down in between my legs holding together the bottles of alcohol, so they don't roll around. It was far to Kyles just about 10 mins but it was still handy driving there instead of walking. 

Arriving at his house and looking at how many people were entering the place I was starting to evaluate the entire situation, I knew something was going to happen tonight just what is the question right now. 

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