Right now

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light quickly appeared to my eyes and I quickly registered with myself on what was going on, we were currently on a plane and Im guessing we were on our way to America. "Hey sleepyhead" I turn my head to see Liam lying next to me, I widened my eyes in shock for him to be so close to me. "You okay?"

"Um yeah, how long have I been asleep?"

"Only for two hours love, we've still got a while till we are in New York for our first show so you can chill"

"I guess" I stayed where I was just laying there next to Liam, I didn't know where else to go, I didn't want to be near Niall or Harry right at this moment in time and I didn't want to speak to those two. A piece of hair fell in front of my face and I just left it there, suddenly it moved, I looked up to see Liam moving my hair out of place and he placed it behind my ear, I was so shocked by Liam's behaviour "Hey you said to be ourselves didn't you?"

"Yeah I guess I did"

"Well this is me being me, Katie, I'll always treat you like a princess, never doubt that" 

"Hmm, so if we are gonna be stuck together for a while why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Okay wow, yeah sure, um well I'm 22 my birthday is August 29th, my favourite colour is purple and I love chocolate"

"What type of chocolate?"

"I like them all to be honest, but I do like Nutella"

"Omg thats my favourite thing in the whole word"

"Okay miss Katie, tell me about yourself"

"Umm well I'm 18 years old my birthday is the 29th of July, my favourite colour is royal blue and my favourite food is pizza, mostly dominos or pizza hut" 

"Well I guess when we land we can order some"


"Yeah of course I don't see why not, I mean I'm kinda hungry as well"

"Wait but you guys are vampires?"

"Yes but as long as we keep a healthy amount of blood in our system we pretty much function as normal, so we get food cravings but more so blood than anything else, but everything and I mean absolutely everything is heightened for us" he suddenly started to move closer to me, he placed his hands along my arms "I mean every touch, every feeling, sensation and sight" he started to trace circles around on my arm, sending chills down my spine. I closed my eyes as the feeling of his fingers started to become addictive "They are even stronger with our mate, sensual feelings become insane, the sensations you are feeling right now are no where near as strong as we feel them Katie and they will get stronger the more time we spend together and when you chose as well" his mouth was right next to my ear and it didn't even feel like there was anyone else on the plane just us, I let out a small moan and I should've freaked out by this point. I mean me moaning over someone simply making circles on my arm thats insane, his hand started to move from my arm and on to my back, I could feel as he was doing so he was pulling me closer to him but thats when I snapped out of it. "Liam please lets not do anything right at this moment I barely even know you" he pulled his arm away from me, and looked me in the eyes "I wasn't going to go there Katie, you just seemed tense and I wanted to calm you down but looks like I done a bit more than that" he winked at me and laughed a little bit "Whats going on between you two right now?" I turned to see Louis sat in the seat across from us, it hit me when a thought came into my head "did you see and hear all of that?"

"Yup, by the way Katie love you the way you moan there" and winked at me, I groaned and turned away dropping my face into Liams shirt in embarrassment. "aha nothing to be embarrassed about Love, it's sexy and you look really comfortable there with Liam" 

"Yeah but still Louis!" 

"anyway since you asked Liam do you wanna know some stuff about me too?" I nodded my head, because I might as well get to know everyone since I'm going to be here for a while "Well I'm 23 , favourite colour is dark red and I like carrots!"

"I swear that was a 2010-2012 thing?"

"No it's still a thing and it always will be!" I giggled a Louis' sassy response, I'm guessing he's the sassy one out of the group which is awesome cause I can be hella sassy sometimes too and I need some competition in this place. "I heard it's get to know me session time" I looked up to see Zayn waltz through, I smiled back at him and nodded "well Love, obvi I'm Zayn I'm 22 and my favourite colour is blue and I'm a Capricorn" I giggled, not many people care about their star sign so it was nice to know someones zodiac. "So Katie what do you like to do for fun?" 

"Well I love going on walks through the woods and kayaking, photography and music are also my passions"

"Really what type of music?"

"I can play guitar and Piano"

"Will you play for us sometime?"

"I guess maybe" 

"Great, we have a musical girlfriend how awesome I'm so excited and love you already!" I smiled slightly and stared at the ground, my anxiety was starting to kick in majorly and I don't know what happened but I all I could feel was my chest tightening and everything becoming blurry and all I could hear was people freaking out. 

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