Heart attack

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The lights dimmed and girls all around me screamed at the top of their lungs including Lucy, the lights flashed onto the stage as the music started, The boys appeared one by one as they each sang their part. At one point Niall spotted me and almost like motioned towards the rest of the gang towards my direction and each one smiled and winked at me, I was so confused as to why this was happening to me of all people. The boys stopped singing to take a break and they decided to read out some tweets from people within the crowd and there were some pretty funny ones to be fair, then one of the tweets asked about why Niall was in Aberdeen the other day "Well thats a fair question, I was up there because one of our security team members has family up there and the food is super good!" I mean why would he be there, I'm speaking to you the reader right now when I say Aberdeen isn't somewhere you expect big massive concerts to happen and when Im talking about Aberdeen, I mean the one in the north east of Scotland. The rest of the concert was good and as it ended Dom came back over "Hey girls it's time to head back stage with the rest of the VIP people" We followed suit and Lucy couldn't stop squealing, I think it was mostly down the to alcohol she had, the Quine could never handle herself honestly. 

You would think because she's a scot, that she would have some imbedded tolerance to alcohol but nope hers is basically non-existent. We stood in a room filled with others girls and before we knew it, screams erupted when the boys walked through the door, I'm not gonna lie but each and everyone of them made my heart flutter and I was so confused as to why. I sat in the back of the room for the majority of the time before I heard "Hi love" I raised my head to see Louis stood in front of me, "Hi Louis" 

"What's up? you don't seem that interested in this whole thing"

"I'm not really, like no offence to you guys but I don't usually listen to your music it's Lucy thats a super fan as I'm sure you can tell" 

"Oh trust me I know the lass couldn't stop asking about my sisters and my mum and everything, but then might I ask why you are here exactly?"

"Niall over there bumped into me in Aberdeen and kissed me and then decided he wanted to see me one last time before you guys left for America or something and invited Lucy and I down to Glasgow and basically equipped the whole hotel and day for us really" 

"Oh right" Suddenly the rest of the girls including Lucy started to leave so I took that as my cue to leave as well, I stood up and went to walked towards the door when suddenly the lights went out and I felt something in my arm, I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker and the last thing I heard was "I'm sorry love" before I met darkness involuntarily. 

This white light started to appear and I could feel my eyes trying to crack themselves open. I slowly opened my eyes, the room light was dimmed, I was so confused where was I? Thats when I realised what happened. I looked round the room to see nobody, I checked my pockets for my phone and thank god it was still in my secret back pocket. I was slow and quiet, I pulled out my phone and messaged Lucy asking where she was and if she was okay, she responded almost instantly "Uh yeah I'm fine but where the hell are you Katie, I'm freaking out and Chris is going mental at me" 

"Right listen I think the boys have kidnapped me or something, I'll try get more info but just know I'm okay" 

"Okay, try get home or something Katie I'm not sure how much longer I can wait in Glasgow for" 

"I'll try my best" I know she was probably freaking out to an insane level, but that couldn't be the distraction that was on my mind right now. I decided to send one last text before risking my phone being discovered by whoever put me in this room. I opened my inbox to Chris to see tons of messages calling me all names under the sun, so I decided to send a simple text "Chris you might not believe me right now, but I'm not doing this for fun, someone has taken me and I need help like asap, call the police or something I'm sharing my location on my phone to you so you can track it, I won't be able to respond for a while don't want them knowing I have my phone"  I hoped he seriously got that text, I kept my phone on silent and put it back away for no one to find it. I turned my attention towards the door and decided to try and open it, I knew something wasn't right, I managed to grab a curbie (Pin you put in your hair to keep it in place) to pick the lock and for some odd reason it worked. I slowly opened the door to see a bright corridor, I could hear things being moved around from the echo it was producing it made me believe we are still at the arena. I smiled as I passed the stage, I was right all I had to do is find an exit and leave without being stopped, I hid behind a wall and looked around the perimeter to see an exit, I grunted knowing that I could easily be caught because of the noise those bloody fire escape doors make when opening. I needed to try anyway, I quickly made my way towards the door when suddenly I was pulled back and pinned against a wall "Oh my, oh my what do we have here, I think someone is trying to leave" 

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